I'm thinking about M. Rodney Mckay. And also physics.
I’m trying to determine how Rodney sees physics. Or, to put it more eloquently, how the concepts feel in his head, in his heart.
I have read fics in which the laws of physics are beautiful, majestic, sweeping things that pull the world into order and slot everything into place. This is where Rodney fits in, a neat little genius-sized hole in the tableau, a comfort and a safe haven.
So, yes. I have read Physics Are Like Art, Only Predictable, Which Is A Good Thing.
Other fics have physics more as a backdrop, a low-level hum of familiar, easy motions, calculations that Rodney performs in seconds because he’s walking known, worn paths. I think of this scenario more as Rodney Is Always Wearing His Physics Goggles, Tra-la, Normal Day.
Still others have the physics only show up when he needs them, not even on the edge of his consciousness until someone’s in danger or there’s a problem to be solved. This is, basically, the Physics Are Tools To Be Ignored When Unnecessary category.
Or the rather disheartening Physics? What Physics? authors that avoid that aspect of Rodney’s character like the plague.
So. What I think it looks like from Rodney’s perspective - what I would most like to read in a story - is a mix between the Art and the Tools ones. So, at first Rodney sees a physics problem or concept as beautifully perfect. Once he dissects and understands it, he can turn it around and employ it as tool. The artistry of the mystery disappears, and the concept is used to tackle the next concept on the horizon.