i hate it

Oct 06, 2004 17:11

life really sucks sometimes. at the moment i hate it. people make me angry. people get hurt. but it happens and its something we all have to learn to accept even though we dont want to. life is a mystery, i dont understand.

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Comments 5

peelthiswrapper October 7 2004, 12:02:04 UTC
You are a strong, confident woman. You have a lot to live for. I love you. Bye.


lexa06 October 8 2004, 02:58:09 UTC
Thanks Ben... I love you too.


the_mack_15 October 7 2004, 21:42:07 UTC
so....u finally realized how bad life sux. i have known tht for a while. well, im here if ya need sum comforting. and i can explain it if it is confusing to you. Alex says says "yea, life sux right now....." lol. ill ttyl


the_mack_15 October 11 2004, 21:33:06 UTC
your party was fun. thts a pretty good predicamint i got myself into huh?? kind of funny if you ask me, its a lose lose situation i think, sumin bad has to come out of it. o well, i think we should hav more parties at ur house. every1 agree?


mmmmmhhhmmmmm!! blindfolded626 October 12 2004, 01:03:10 UTC


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