
Feb 02, 2005 17:54

-->Name on birth certificate? Elexius Dawn Williams.
-->Nicknames? Lexie, Lex, LexieBexie, LexBex
-->Where do you live? Niverville
-->Where have you lived? Mt.Vernon and Troy.
-->Where would you like to live? New York City with Megan :-)
-->Do you think you're attractive? Not really
-->Do others find you attractive? Possibley?
-->What do you think is your best feature? My.....I don't know.
-->What do you think is your worst feature? My cheeks (haha) and my eyes
-->Do you like your personality? Yes, most of the time
-->Do others like your personality? My friends do....don't know about others though
-->Do you think your funny? Some of the times.
-->Do others think your funny? Some of the times.
-->Do you like your family? Yes. Definitly.
-->Do they like you? Yes. Yes they do

[Have you ever]
-->Had a serious illness? Chicken Pocks?
-->Been happy about someones death? No.
-->Killed an animal? No, not personally
-->Been sexually attracted to a cartoon character? Um no?
-->Caused a riot? Nope.
-->Taken part in a riot? No.
-->Eaten a bug? Yeah. haha
-->Been on stage? Yes.
-->Joined a gang? No, not really.
-->Been mentally disturbed? No.
-->Smoked? No.
-->Drank? No (I'm a good girl)
-->Stolen? Nooo
-->Used someone? No.
-->Wished to die? No
-->Streaked? No
-->Stalked someone online? Noo.
-->Had a sexual fantasy? Yes.
-->Taken pills? Yeah. (Only for health reasons :-))

[For a billion dollars would you]
-->Kill your parents? No.
-->Eat an ant farm? Yeah
-->Have same gender sex? Sure.
-->Kill your best friend? No I could NEVER kill my Tay Tay!!
-->Hold up a convenience store? Oh yeah :-).
-->Shoot yourself in the leg? Possibly.
-->Eat another person? If it was cooked good enough
-->Jump off a building? If I lived afterward.
-->Walk naked in a mall? If no one else was there :-D
-->Shave your head? No, never
-->Drink human blood? Ummm......
-->Box with a kangaroo? No
-->Kill the president? If it was Bush
-->Slap an old person? Haha I don;t know
-->Eat your own vomit? Ew no
-->Eat a booger? Yeah....even though thats real gross

[Out of my friends, who is the]
-->Loudest? I don't know
-->Quietest? Caitlyn
-->Smartest? Tay Tay
-->Dumbest? Dwayne
-->Cutest? Haha I don't know
-->Funniest? Chris
-->Skinniest? Tay Tay
-->Most Fashionable? Kerstin.
-->Most Optimistic? Jenae.
-->Most Pessimistic? Stephanie
-->Most Trustworthy? Tay Tay!!.
-->Least Trustworthy? No comment.
-->Most Honest? Kerstin.
-->Least Honest? No comment
-->Best for advice? Taylor!! (LOL).
-->Worst for advice? No comment.
-->Most likely to become gay? Jenae...haha :-) .
-->Become famous? Kerstin
-->Become a murderer? Kella.
-->Commit suicide? I don't know :-(.
-->Go mentally insane? Stephanie
-->Who would you trust with your life? Nadya.

[My Favorite]
-->Letter? L
-->Color? Pink
-->Number? 8
-->Word? Retarded :-(.
-->Phrase? I don't have one?.
-->Movie? Titanic and Pearl Harbor
-->Musician? Backstreet Boys, Usher, and Ashlee Simpson
-->Shape? A star
-->Person? Phaelyn.
-->Relative? Unle Tony
-->Old Song? "How Do I Live"::LeAnne Rhymes
-->New Song? "Beautiful Soul"::Jesse McCartney
-->Channel? MTV, VH1, E!, Fox
-->Parent? Both :-)
-->Season? Summer
-->Sport? Swimming and Field Hockey

[Last person you]
-->Kissed? My mommy :-)
-->Hugged? Megan
-->Licked? myself?.
-->Punched? I don't remember
-->Loved? My family?
-->Liked? Dwayne
-->Stalked? No one.
-->Hated? I've never hated anyone....only strongly disliked people
-->Gave the finger to? Don't remember
-->Cried with? Megan
-->Talked with? My mom
-->Ate with? Whoever was at lunch today with me
-->Hung out with? Kerstin
-->Sung with? Ashley


Who did you last get angry with?- Taylor :-/
What is your weapon of choice?- I really don't know
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?- Only if i had a reason to
How about of the same sex?- Only if I had a reason to
Who was the last person that got really angry at you?- I don't remember
What is your pet peeve?- When people leave their caps off things


What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time?- Ummmm?
What is the latest you've ever woken up?- 12
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't- Uncle Tony
What is the last lame excuse you've made? I don't want to talk about it
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?- yes.
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today? 0


Favorte overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? Sparkling Cider
White meat or dark meat?- White Meat
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?- None
Have you ever used a professional diet company?-no.
Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?- sweet.
Have you ever taken food "to go" from a buffet?- no thats gay.


How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)? umm. none?
How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)? 0
Have you wanted someone who was taken?- yup.
What is your favorite body part on a person of the opposite gender? Eyes and hair
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?- Nope
Have you ever had a one-night stand?- no


What's your guilty pleasure?- Lots of things
If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?- Fix up my house and go shopping :-)
Would you rather be rich or famous?- rich.
Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? Possibly
Have you ever stolen anything? - no.
How many mp3's are on your hard drive?- Haha a lot


What's the one thing you've done that you're most proud of?- It's real corny, but made my parents happy
What's the one thing you've done that your parents are most proud of?- I don't know
How do you like second place? 2nd place is awesome.
Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?- yes.
What did you do today that you're proud of?- I don't know?


What item of your friend's would you most want to have for your own?-
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?- Maybe ;-)
If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?- i like myself.
Have you ever been cheated on?- Not that I know of
Have you ever cheated on someone?- nope, never.
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?-yeah.
What trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?- A lot of things :-/
What is your favorite deadly sin?- IDK?

Wow I'm so cool :-)
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