Incredible weekend.
Friday went to MegMeg's house. Went to her soccer game. In the rain. Came home. Allie came over ♥. Played Scene It with her sister and her friends. Fun time. Went out to dinner with MiKelKel Aileen and DJ Saturday. Went to Target and got yelled at. Stole a plastic sword for Matt's birthday. Sunday went to MiKelKEl's house. Watched House of Wax. Visted Dwayne at the GU. He loves us. Watched Aminitville Horror. Scariest fucking movie I have ever seen. Goddd. Went out to eat with Ryan Kella Matt and Aileen for Matt's birthday. Got lost about 5 times. It was an adventure. Slept over her house. Baked cookies the next day. Got yelled at by her mother. Watched Pearl Harbor with Ryan. Almost got killed when Ryan drove me home.
School. Sucks.