Our big weekend off went by really fast...as it usually does...
but here are some pictures and witty remarks for your viewing pleasure!
So we're off! YEY 3 hours of driving!!!
We stopped off at some "scenic overlook" so dan could do a little jig on the ice.
Good motto to live by I say. Sadly we did not get to brake for any mooses.
And so our adventure begins... (theres a bumper sticker on the sign that says "Never forget Chicken Man" But you know...stupid Jpegs aren't very good quality...)
Aren't we such tourists?
Our room...cheesy...but fun!
The view from our room. It kicked much ass.
..and my dragon...he kicked much ass too.
The river that i made Dan stop at 5 times until i got a good picture ;)
Wasn't that fun? Well i thought so.