Title: oooh, shiney!
lexicalwonder Pairing: Suggested Will/Henry
Rating: 13+ (just for a smidgen of smut)
Beta: None. It’s only a drabble.
Disclaimer: I own nothing… and unsurprisingly make no money from writing!
Summary: Will is deep in thought… he thinks he might be an abnormal.
Will had begun to think he was an abnormal. Half Human, half magpie in fact.
There was no way it was normal to think about three pieces of metal all week. Think about how the first two felt, how they would feel if he touched, kissed, licked. How the third piece should not be that attractive, but it was.
It was official, Will was Magpie-Human thingy.
At least I haven’t grown a beak, he thought touching his face.
“Penny for your thoughts,” Said Ashley as she approached a zoned out Will, in the library.
“Henry’s nipples,” Will replied dreamily.