Title: Mercedes’ Suitcase
lexicalwonder Pairing: Finn/Mike
Rating: 13+
Warnings: Hurt/comfort - a little
Beta: My goblin. But he can’t even talk.
Disclaimer: I own nothing… well I have a life-size Mr Schu cardboard cut-out… but that’s just so I can sing to it.
Summary: Sue is a tyrant… Mercedes’ purse is huge! But its all needed.
“Not Good Enough!”
Sue was feeling particularly cruel today. Today was all in aid of snapping Glee. If a couple of students died in the process… it was all for the greater good.
“I want you to take this 15% you are giving me and put a zero on the end! YOU of all people Finn Hudson should know what a zero is!”
Sue loved her megaphone, who could possible not want to hear her voice loud and clear?
“Other Asian!! I said one metre apart. Mulan can use Metric units, are you too good for your own culture?”
Mike shuffled left, a mix of anger and determination on his face.
“That’s enough. I want you to think. Think how you have just offended me, and how you let your parents down with every step you just took. That includes you Menzel.”
The smile that seemed to constantly grace Rachel’s face dropped.
“Coach Sylvester. May I please just say, although I know everything you are doing is to help my fellow glee club members and I. I find your methods somewhat insulting and unacceptable.”
“That’s fine with me.” Answered Sue as she picked up her clipboard and exited the gymnasium.
When Will received a letter in a ‘Cherios’ stamped envelope, he knew something was wrong. He, never in a million years expected to read:
I would like to offer my services (free of charge)to your little Glee club. I expect to bring them closer as a team and even improve on that sloppy choreography you force on them.
No reply is necessary.
Coach Sue Sylvester - Winner
He thought it was a great Idea. No doubt Sue was up to something, but doing things as a team is just what the Glee club needed.
“I can’t believe Mr.Schu agreed to this” Said Kurt, fixing his hair. “She is like Hitler dressed as a bad Uma Thurman impersonator.”
The Gleeks where packing their things together after their second session with sue. She was driving them insane.
“I look silly” Barked Finn.
“Maybe she is trying to take over the school. Dressing every group like idiots, one by one. No offence Brit.” Smiled Mike, with a wink.
“Plus these pants are too tight. Look.”
Mike Chang had gotten Finn Hudson into trouble 3 times in this last week.
1. While opening his locker, Mike had walked past singing “Carry on Wayward son’ by Kansas. Awesome!! - But the distraction had resulted
in his locker door hitting him in the face.
2. Mike fell during football practice. Maybe Finn should not have dropped the ball and gone to check to see if he was ok.
3. Mike was giggling with Brittany during math. Jealousy seemed to be louder than Mrs. Kirkdale.
And now, here he was turning to see Mike’s tight pants. Then stupidly falling over Mercedes’ overly large purse in the process.
“Finn!” Rachel shouted. Immediately running over to him with Kurt, Quinn and Mike?
“Oh no. blood!” Shouted Quinn before running off to the bathroom. Both Rachel and Curt had taken a step back too.
“Hey, you two. I will help Finn get cleaned up. Can you tell Mr.Schu that we will be a little late?” asked Mike helping a bloody nosed Finn to
his feet.
“Yeah sure.” said Kurt in-between gags.
Mike guided Finn to the bathroom and sat him on the counter. Finn felt dizzy and clumsy.
“You know, you are going to need to change your shirt. How did you fall?”
“Mercedes’ suitcase.” Finn sighed letting his head drop.
“Keep your head up” said Mike with a little laugh.
Finn put his head back while Mike dampened some tissue at the sink.
“OK. Let me see” Said Mike standing back in front of Finn.
Finn dropped his head and moved his hands away from his face. Mike took a sharp breath, to dramatize the amount of blood on the other boys face. Raising the damp tissue, Mike began to wipe the blood away. Finn felt dizzy again, not sure if it was the loss of blood or just having Mike that close.
“Is this ok? I am not hurting you, am I?”
“No, no. It’s fine. Thanks Mike.” Finn Smiled placing a hand on Mikes shoulder.
Was he passing out? Or was it mike that was getting closer?
Their faces where almost touching, lips hovered close as Mike’s breath cooled Finn’s now damp face. Finn took the last leap and pressed a soft kiss to mikes lips. Mike’s hand came to rest on Finn’s jaw. It lasted longer than it should, but Finn never wanted to move.
Another spell of dizziness hit the tall teen.
“Are you ok?” Mike asked as Finn pulled away rubbing his eyes.
“Yeah, Yeah. I’m sorry. I am just dizzy”
“Wow. Wait until I kiss you properly” Said Mike with a cheeky Grin.