
Aug 06, 2003 21:28

mood: accomplishedmusic: Where is the love-JT n BEP
[a]ge: 14

[b]estfriend: ak,dq,ed,bc,..and more..

[c]hoice of meat: steak man!

[d]ream date: beach...;)

[e]xciting adventure: anything with my friends

[f]avorite food: chicken caeser salad, sushi, steak..i love food :D

[g]reatest accomplishment: i dunno..being me i guess

[h]appiest day of your life: i have lots

[i]nterests: cheering, music..thats my life
[k]issing stories: on the beach, in the sand, perfect, amazing ;)

[l]ove: what about love?
[m]ost valued: friends and family for suuuurrr

[n]ick name: lex, meal, mele, lx, fruit, lexi, w/e floats ur boat
[o]utfit you wore today: white north cheer top and white rock cheer soffes
[p]izza topping(s):peperoniii

[q]uestion asked to you the most: whats up

[r]adio station(s): 97.5 ,q 102.1 sumtimes..stupid freakshow screwed it up..95.7 boogie nites everynite at 9! hehe!!
[s]port: cheerleading

[t]elevision show(s): degrassi..its so stupid but so adicti real world..even stevens..i love shia ahh!
[u]r favorite song(s): im real [cover]--tsl drive away --aar
[w]here you live: newtown pa what fun

[x]yz?!: 1 2 3

[y]ear born: 1989..ima youngin

[z]odiac sign: capricornn

Have you ever...

01. Fallen for a friend? noper

02.Made out with JUST a friend? no

03.Rejected someone? yes

04. Been in love? a lil bit

05. Been in lust? everybody has....

06. Used someone? that just mean

07. Been used? noper

08. Cheated on someone? i didn't cheat on sumone..sumone cheated on their gf with me :\

09. Been cheated on? noper

10. Been kissed? yes in deed

11. Done something you regret? mmhmm

Who was the last person...

12. You touched? my mom?

13. You talked to? peron my mom

14. You hugged? dq

15. You instant messaged? dq

16. You kissed? mike :(

18. You yelled at? my dog

19. You laughed with? i laughed to myself today but with sumone..i think bk ;)

20. You had a crush on? i still have a lil crush

21. Who broke your heart? no one really

Do you...

22. Color your hair? sun in count?

23. Have tattoos? nope getting one when im 18 whee!

24. Piercings? ears

25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope

26. Floss daily? u kno it :D

27. Own a webcam? nope

28. Ever get off the damn computer? sumtimes

29. Do you have a website? jus my lj :)
30. Habla espanol? claro que si

Have you/do you/do you have...

40. Considered a life of crime? no

41. Considered being a hooker? no

42. Considered being a pimp? no

43. Are you psycho? .. at times

44. Split personalities? nope

45. Schizophrenic? noooo

46. Obsessive? some things

47. Obsessive compulsive? nahh

48. Panic? sometimes

50. Depressed? nope

51. Suicidal? never

52. Obsessed with hate? um no

53. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? ew no

54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? no

56. What would you be doing? huh?

58. What are you listening to? freshman girl ---allister

59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can dislocate my shoulder

60. chicken or fish? both :P

61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? dogs..i dunno i like all animals

Understanding: yeah

Open-minded: definitely

Arrogant : nahh

Insecure: sometimes

Interesting: mmhmm

A lil Hungry: always

Friendly: yeah i think i am most of the time

Smart: i dunno

Moody: at my times

Childish: haha yeah!

Hard working: when i try to be

Organized: when im ina organized mood

Emotionally Stable: yes in deed

Shy: not at all

Difficult: hm no not really..

Bored: always

Thirsty: when im thirsty im thisrty

Responsible: yeah

Happy: mmhmm

Trusting: yepper

Unique: yes i am

Lonely: at times

Name: Alexis Maria Mele

Hair color: brown

Birthday: Jan 14th yall

Eye Color: brown

Siblings: jon- 18

Righty or lefty? righty in writing..lefty in sports

On Dating...

Long or short hair? shaggggggggg :D

Dark or blond hair? dont matter

Tall or short? taller than me..thats pretty much everyone

Pretty but dumb or Ok looking but smart? Ok looking/maybe smart lol i dunno and i don't care..just not really stupid

Dark or light eyes? i like pretty eyes

Pierced or no? not too much...

Freckles or none? dont care

Skinny or pudgy? skinny is a plus but they gtta be muscley
Thuggish or sporty type? ugh i hate thuggish..

On preferences...

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot choco

McDonalds or Burger King? bk...BK!! have it your way!

Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? perfect friend

Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? both

Action or comedy? Comedy

Cats or dogs? Dogs

Ocean or Pool? ocean

Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos? nacho cheese

Mud or Jell-O wrestling? mud

With or without ice-cubes? with..not too much bc then it gets all watery yuck

With Shine or rain? sun

Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? spring

Vanilla or Chocolate? vanilla

Snowboarding or skiing? snowboarding

Cake or cookies? both ICE CREAM AND CAKE AND CAKE :)

Cereal or toast? cereal

Gloves or mittens? gloves

Eyes open or closed? w/e floats ur boat yall

Fly or breathe under water? that would be awsome !!

Bunk-bed or waterbed? waterbed

Chewing gum or hard candy? hard candy

.. Quick Favorites

Color: pink

Number: 4
Drink: water

Food: i lvoe food :)

Album: say it like u mean it

Movie: charlies angels 2

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