I just finished the book. I have passed it on to my 15 year old. When she is done, then I get to read it out loud to my son.
Any posts in my lj about the book will be behind cut-tags (such as below) and properly identified for the forseeable future. Comments to such posts are apt to have spoilers, so reader beware.
OMG, I loved the book )
Comments 4
Snarry: Snape was acting on Dumbledore's orders (Dumbledore would never beg for his own life)
Drarry: Draco is having doubts. enough said.
Lucius/Harry: Wasn't canonically possiable in the first place.
Sirius/Remus: Ummmm... Sirius is dead so I don't see a problem here.
I loved HBP! Was in shock for a while, but now that i've read a couple of posts on it, and have had time to think, I actually like how the book ended. I also think Dumbledore is faking his death.
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