Who do you think should be?
A comedian: Chelle! She's always trying to crack jokes and tell us funny pick up lines! *Is that a mirror in your pants?* haha!
A teacher: hmm? Katie I think, she just seems right for the job!
A porn star: Sexxxy Lexxxi...lol 'Nuff said
A singer: what? we don't have enough in the community? hehe
A poet: I'd have to say prob Nick!
An author: jas, she's an awesome writer
In an insane asylum: o, you mean besides me? hehe
Who do you think is?
The sweetest: sweetest? omg, all of you
The perkiest: Mack always seems happy, I don't think she's ever angry lol
The silliest: little Ash lol
The sexiest: Do you even have to ask? lol Jense
The angriest: I haven't met anyone angry lol
The most descriptive: ....lol
The most creative: stop asking hard questions!
The most original: mer is unique! gotta love her! hehe
The most asterisky: I love ********
The best commenter: Jas always leaves me comments.
The most annoying: BARBIE!!!
The best LJ couple: Tom/Katie & Kris/Riley
Who can make you?
Think: No one makes me do it, it just happens!
Laugh: Everyone, you guys always crack me up!
Cry: I cried the other day over everything with Jense, lol
Smile: Jense, and all my other friends
Scared: Not scared of anyone, except there's someone in this community that worries me. I don't know if they can't spell or they choose not to spell things right...it irritates me lol
Puke: nobody! Well maybe Tom...in the morning when he puts ketchup on his eggs! *gags* I hate that! I swear he does it to annoy me!
Happy: Everyone
Sad: no comment
Jealous: like scared jealous...theres a few but I don't wanna say!
Pissed: Barbie! Damn, she's popular isn't she? *grr*
Who posts loyally: Jayce
Who doesn't post enough: Jared & Milo...they never post or come on
Who has the best background: I *love* Kris' new layout
Who has the best user pics: I *love* everyone's flashy icons. They are so purdy, mine suck lol So if anyone loves me, flashy icons are purdy!
Who should have naked user pics: no comment
Who listens to the best music: everyone who's been listening to Avril, because right now, I'm addicted to her CD!
Who has the best usage of song lyrics: lately I've been using songs to express myself
...Worst usage: i don't know
Who has the biggest vocabulary: josh reads the dictionary lol but Jense has a big vocab too
Who has the most x-rated journal: no one that I know os
Who has the most sentimental journal: ummm....
Who has the best useless posts: NESSA! lol She never posts anymore and when she does it goes "Hi" lol
Who has the best drunken typos: Dawnie seems to talk about getting drunk a lot, lol
...Non-drunken typos: ummmmm
Who would you like to?
Hug: I'm always hugging someone
Smack: *cough*Barbie*cough*
Pinch: pinch what is the question?
Kiss: I'll give you one guess....eventually that is... :+)
Grope: everyone! lol *dies* no not really lol
Give a wedgie: I would love to see Tom get a wedgie! He would squirm *so* bad! *hint* Katie! lol
Ravish: *laughs*
Make out with: No comment! lol
Who's posts do you look forward to: Jensen's
Who's journal are you obsessed with: Everyone has so much creativity, I suck! lol
Who has the most interactive posts: hmm...
If everyone had to put one user on their friends list, who would you choose: Me!! *hint*
And finally, using three words, describe your journal: One Sexy Journal! *wink*