Update-y stuff

Nov 10, 2007 06:37

I still haven't written about the day with angel_drake in Tampa, or the trip to Cedar Key, or Homecoming weekend, but I've been waiting to do those for when I finally got the pictures off my camera. Mostly, I'm posting now because of me being sick and all that funstuff.

This all started Wednesday when I started getting sinus headaches. Took 2 Sudafed, that helped. Thursday it came back, took 2 more Sudafed, felt better. Took some more Sudefed that night as well as 3 aspirin. Got zuul to drive me to the mall in anticipation of driving down to Tampa on Friday to go take care of cat-related stuff as the parents are still in Texas and my mp3 player is STILL missing. (And it's got my NaNiWriMo on it. At this point I'm counting it a loss and need to re-do the 1100 words I lost. *sigh*) Zuul got a player too, which is 512kB and orange, so she named it Naruto. She got me to get a pink 1GB one for the same price (different brand) and I named it Sakura. :P Too bad there wasn't a blue one.

Anyway, we went home, she went up to her place after we played a little to figure out how to work the things (meaning, put music on them). I couldn't sleep and as time went on and I felt crappy, I finally took some generic Nyquil. Not sure what time I passed out, but I did, and then I woke up at 3:30am absolutely freezing. Teeth chattering, couldn't stop shaking, the whole nine yards. And this is WITH seven blankets on the bed. I checked weather.com; it said the temp was 42°. Now, there is no way that the outside temp could cause me to be so cold, even if I didn't have my heat on. I grabbed my heating pad, turned it on high, and kept it against my back to try and warm up. Eventually I fell asleep again.

Zuul came by at 5:15 to come get me for walking Gizmo. I was so bleh I had to decline, but asked if she could knock on my door at 6:30 so as to make sure I was up and moving. She agrees and leaves and I go back to sleep.

The one dream I remember is me talking with Shannon about my six-month evaluation (which I was to have that day) and was telling me that I'd just gotten so much worse since the informal three-month one, that I spent too much time futzing on the internet and I was eating too much at my desk and I wasn't getting my work done and meanwhile I'm going What the hell?.

I actually wake up before zuul comes over. It consists of me remembering parables of all things, probably inspired by ichthyus's book Mary, called Magdalene which I'm currently reading, and their interpretations. Thinking back I believe my dream just spooked me about my review, and that dream!Shannon's words were my own worries. >>;

Zuul comes over, I'm still feeling like crap, and she is awesome and puts together stuff for me to take to work to drink. Which is basically my thing of apple juice and little bottles of cranberry juice and two packets of oatmeal so I needed to be sure to bring a bowl too. I also have the Silver Springs small sippy cup filled with water because I was so masssively thirsty. That I was peeing a lot didn't help matters, and it was really really hard to remember to drink and then to actively force myself to drink.

I finally get myself dressed and I leave a bit early (7ish) as I wanted to stop by the Gate gas station on 13th to pick up milk for my oatmeal. I cannot stand water in my oatmeal. I met Laurie in there, she asked if I was walking or biking. (I recognized her before either of us got into the store from her colorful crocheted sweater.) I said nah, I was driving, and she replied with an "okay". I guess she was gonna offer to give me a ride, which would've been cool.

Traffic wasn't that bad. Instead of still taking 13th to Museum I took 5th to 16th to University to Buckman to Stadium to North-South to Museum, so I only had to make a right-hand turn into the parking lot. (Yes, I know, North-South is now called Gale Something, but it will always be North-South to me.) I'm the first one in the office, which surprises me because Steve usually beats everybody. Then I remember Steve took today off.

I do my morning routine and am still feeling crappy. Not long after Shannon came in, I talked to her about what my plans for the day were as I was really not feeling well and if it wasn't for the evaluation I would've called in sick. ("Oh right! The evaluation's today! I totally forgot." "That's why you have me. :D" "That's right. :D") Plans were: finish making the frelling folders, assemble all the complete folders for Catherine (who was coming in the afternoon for the evaluation, and to touch base with me), fill out my evaluation thing, and email.

The way things turned out I got the folders and eval done, and I made a list of complete folders for Catherine along with a short note saying that because the I was sick I didn't want to handle the folders more than necessary. I didn't even touch email, and when I left at 12 there were 23 in my inbox. (Tuesday is going to be so much fun, as we have Monday off.)

Throughout the morning I'm just feeling worse and worse despite the generic Dayquil. Despite the double layers, I am freezing. Every time I make any movement, I am literally chilled to the bone. Worse, I'm not shivering. My head is killing me, and my sinuses are so congested and painful I can't really put my head down because any pressure makes them hurt worse. I'm trying to remember to drink my juice as the water suddenly tastes really gross, and I'm blowing my nose to clear it not regularly but pretty often. I also kept having to pee, which was not good as I'd really not drunk enough of anything for how much I was peeing. I did take a nap under my desk (or tried to) during my break and when I lay down my face was so hot. I was trying to be able to hold on until Catherine arrived ~1:30, but at about 11:30 I realize I simply won't make it.

I spoke with Shannon about going home, she said talk to Catherine. So I called Catherine up and explained how I was feeling really sick and would it be okay if I went home. We discussed folders (the folders she needs should be put away in the file cabinet, but if she can't find any she's to call me so I can tell her where they are) and the eval (if there's anything they feel they need to discuss with me, she'll either email me or give me a call). So, all's good.

I get home and the first thing I do is use the bathroom, followed by taking my temp. When one has an electric thermometer, it helps to turn the thing on. So yes, I sat there a bit with it in my mouth and wondering why it wasn't beeping before I realized it was off. When I tried again, I had a temp of 103.something°.


I took it again to be sure, and got 103.3°. Nope, not a fluke. I knew I had a fever (at work in the bathroom, I saw I was pale as sheet) and was expecting a 102, but not a 103. =/

First call was to Richard saying that I had a 103 temp and that there was no way in hell I was going anywhere tonight and that he needed to make other arrangements to get the medicine and food to the cats himself. He asked if I could maybe do it Monday. (...) I said chances are probably good that I won't be able to go anywhere and to not count on it. He said fine and to let him know later how I was.

Second call was to zuul. She said she'd take me to the walk-in clinic, which meant leaving early. I asked if she could pick me up a bottle of gatorade on her way back. >>; (Zuul is really too awesome to and for me. ._. *luffson zuul*)

She gets here (scaring Serena from where she'd been curled up at my feet), and forces me to drink stuff. Cue also threats of an icepack because of my high temp and me whining about not wanting it even as I'm saying I know it's necessary as we can't have my body trying to cook itself. She tried to get me to take some Excedrin but I waved her off. Good thing, too, because not long after drinking the gatorade (not that much, either), I spontaneously vomited. No nausea, no warning, no nothing, just me clapping a hand over my mouth while reaching for a bag. It happened three more times in quick succession. It was rather vile, and it hurt too. I was okay after that and really puzzled over why I threw up. Zuul thinks it's my body's way of trying to purge itself. (My body needs to find better methods >_<)

We spend I don't know how long getting me to slow down as I hate being sick but I need to not move around like my brain is wanting me to. I did take the Excedrin, and it stayed down. Progress! Another reason to slow down is that while not being as chilled to the bone as before, breathing is not easy so any real effort has me gasping. Stupid congestion.

It's 2 o'clock when we sign in at the walk-in clinic. We've brought with us just in case: TP in lieu of tissues, a vomit bag, a tissue bag, books for reading, music to listen to, the gatorade, a pillow and my cloak since I was going to try and sleep in the waiting room. (Dunno if I actually did, but being horizontal helped.) Zuul helped with the paperwork I had to fill out except those things she didn't know and my sig. Then I stretched out across 3 chairs, using my cloak as a cushion as it was too warm for me to use it as a blanket.

I finally get called in, and my temp is taken. 101. It went down, yay! Doc comes in, we talk, I tell him about what's happened, he wants urine and blood samples (okay... least I don't have to pay for them. yay insurance!). Finally it boils down to him saying I have a viral infection, but he gives me an Rx for Amoxicillin just in case I feel like I need it. But yeah, we agree, since antibiotics don't work on viral, I don't have to fill the Rx. I'm recommended to rest and drink lots of liquids. Woot.

Zuul and I get out of there and it's after 4. I wanna say 4:30ish, probably later. We go down to Publix because she'd heard they do free Rx. So we go to the counter and ask if this is one of their free ones (there's a list on the counter) because we can't read the handwriting. XD Lady there says yep! and that it'll be only 20 minutes.

This is MUCH more awesome than being charged ~15$ and an hour-long wait for Walgreens.

We wander around the store and pick up a few things. Garlic for the feel-better soup Zuul wanted to make me (ow, ow, twist my arm), soup at BOGO, cheez-its at BOGO, jello powder, and I meant to get some kitty litter but somehow I misplaced it so some poor Publix worker's gonna look at the kitty litter and wonder what schmuck just left it there. I didn't realize I didn't have the kitty litter until I got home, such was my foggy brain. XD I go to sleep, and zuul does her thing and comes back sometime later with souuuup. I eat some, drink more gatorade, sleep. Basically, I spend my time sleeping or waking up to eat a little while zuul keeps me company. And my fever went back down to 98, so that's good. ^^ Still not going anywhere (ie Tampa). Zuul's happy, too, and says she feels better about leaving me alone because my temp had had her really worried. She called her coworker to let him know she would be in tomorrow so he didn't have to cover her.

And... that's pretty much it. I slept, woke to use the bathroom, slept some more, and am now on the computer. I can't believe it took me about an hour and a half to write all this. XDD Not sure what to do now (aside the obvious) so... I may putter online a bit and eat something before going back to sleep.

post of doom, zuul

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