Why is my boss such a sucky, annoying loser? Oh wait, that's not a joke - here we go.
So these two guys are standing on the outdoor balcony of a bar. The first guy says to the other, "hey, did you know that the wind is in such a way here at this hour that you can jump off the balcony and it'll pick you right up and drop you where you jumped from?"
The guy's all, "yeah right. let's see you do it."
So the first guy jumps and a few seconds later...whoosh. Back on the balcony.
"See? I told you. Seriously, you gotta try it, it's awesome."
The second guy's not sold though and he asks him to do it again. Same thing - jump.....whosh. Back on the balcony.
"Dude, if you're gonna do this, you better hurry up," the first guy says. "The wind is gonna change pretty soon."
So finally the second guy decides he'll try it. He gets up on the rail and jumps....thud.
First guy goes back inside, walks up to the bartender, who promptly hands over $50.
"Goddammit Superman," bartender says. "You are such an asshole when you're drunk!"