Title: Four Years Later
ria_oaksFandom: Supernatural
Pairing/characters: Sam, Dean, Sam/OMC
Rating: G
Disclaimer: None of the characters within belong to me, etc etc. They belong to Kripke and everyone else who owns the rights to Supernatural...
Prompt: 775. Supernatural: Sam, Dean, and John Winchester. AU where Sam leaves at 18 not just to attend university, but because he comes out as gay to his father. John has a hard time accepting it, they both say things they don't mean, and Sam leaves. Sam dates various boys at university, and Jessica is a man instead of a woman. 4 years later John is missing, Dean comes to get Sam, and 'Jessica' dies, just like in the series. To what extent has Dean come to terms with Sam's sexuality? How does Sam's sexuality affect their relationship now that they're on the road searching for their father? And if it gets to that point, what happens with John and Sam reunite? Can be Wincest, or just gen.
Summary: Four years ago Sam left to follow the man he loved to college. Now John is missing and Dean comes to get Sam, dredging up old memories and buried anger in them both.
Warnings: None, really.
Author's Notes: This is basically an AU parallel of the pilot episode, and hence some dialogue has been lifted from that episode. Not much, maybe 3-4 lines, but they're there. The majority of the dialogue I invented based on the assumption that different circumstances will have lead to different dialogue, but I kept a few assorted things. I take no credit for those lines. :) Also, looking back at the prompt I realize I kinda fudged it a bit, but in my defense I submitted the prompt to begin with... ^^; As I was writing, certain things shaped together differently than I expected them to.
"Four Years Later" (fake cut to my journal)