So I stopped taking my new medicine because it gave me hives.
And I wasn't too enthused on taking something that can make you gain some serious weight.
I can't wait till that shit is out of my system.
the only thing now is that I have to get put on a NEW medicine.
more and more trial&error.
I woke up nice and early despite only having 3 hours of sleep under my belt.
I wanted to go walking so I got ready.
I called up jose to see if he would join me!
after a few minutes of fussing around I headed over to wolf road.
we headed over!
after walking I went to get my hair cut
well not cut, but just layers taken care of.
it had been just under 2 years since I've had a professional cut
fast forward through working with suse, napping, and zumba class I showered and got ready to hang out with mike.
probably one of the hottest little boys I've ever laid eyes on.
and my eyes have seen a lot
I borrowed a pair of dabuhds old pants.
they are a little long but they worked.
I was happy because mike was at his parents rather then downtown at school so I only had a 10 minute drive
but goddamn it was a cold fucking drive.
cold as tits
and i got kind of lost because I'm retarded.
I'm finishing up my tea and then heading over to josery's for some walking and hopefully tea after. But that is if he wants to//
I'm in the mood for some nightmare of you