previous logs:
april 10 → july 10 july 11 → november 07 November 13, 2012
Host Club Giveaway 60: Received line01 and whispered09
Art Studio: Received photon19, red eyes10, red eyes11 and red eyes12
Recycled Art: Received birthmark15, blackbird01, blackbird09, elemental10, protect18, wind04 and wind19
Art Shop: Received restore06, restore11, restore18 and photon20
November 16, 2012
Mastery: Received harpie lady16, tensai11, dark fusion10 and 1 yellow crayon
November 28, 2012
Recycled Art: Received black rose19, thunder10, thunder16, thunder19, torture06, torture10, torture17, torture18
Pick a Color 59: Received gae dearg01, loleus14 and 1 red crayon
December 5, 2012
Recycled Art: Received earth03, falena02, free02, free08, free10, free16 and necklace01
Switch it up 63: Received psyqualia10 (medecine02)
January 9, 2013
Pick a Color 61: Received acrobat06, vino09, streamlight01, punk03 and photographs15
January 20, 2013
Art Studio: Received red eyes11, red eyes12, red eyes13 and red eyes14
November 7, 2012
- shujin05 for blackbird15
here December 5, 2012
- hakubako16 and ice car10 for ooparts07 and black rose20
here January 17, 2013
- pure08 for red eyes10
here January 20, 2013
- countdown01, countdown04, eggs02 and knight12 for acrobat20, free20, psyqualia01 and protect04
here June 10, 2013
- honest04, klutz12 and trance19 for fanalis08
Donate a deck: Received cello14 and luck01
Guess the Color 130: Received scorpio06 and formal06
Art Lesson with Rukia 136: Received illegal01 and basketballs02
Art Lesson with Rukia 138: Received accurate17 and older05