Logs Four

Nov 26, 2010 10:48

[467] 11.26.10 Traded Blitz18 for Esper20 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[468] 11.28.10 Gifted Varia03 to airwaveeight -- HERE
[469-470] 11.29.10 Traded Alchemy, Trigger15 for Spell10, Wishes02, Rabbit09, Moe03 w/ whitelilies22 -- HERE
[472] 11.29.10 Traded Truth11, Truth13, Tristan14 for Noa20, Spell05 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[473-475] 11.29.10 Traded Airhead14, Senpai02, Senpai03 for Left01, Soldier11, Soldier19 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[476] 12.01.10 Traded Camorra16, Rat17 for Disney09 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[477] 12.04.10 Traded Balls for Loyal10, Sky05, Cynic11 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[478] 12.04.10 Traded Oresama11 for Esper10 w/ farsketched -- HERE
[479-480] 12.06.10 Traded materia18, sakujo20, painter10 for Right09, Noa07 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[481-483] 12.06.10 Gifted Demon09 & Traded gemini05, emo03 for King17, Radical04 w/ kyrilisme -- HERE
[484] 12.06.10 Gifted Key05 to kikinioth -- HERE
[485] 12.07.10 Gifted Destiny15 to royalbk -- HERE
[486-487] 12.07.10 Traded Adopted06, Pokedex04 for Relative10, Wizard05 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[488] 12.07.10 Traded Genome12 for Right16 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[489] 12.07.10 Traded Genome04 for Wizard02 w/ farsketched -- HERE
[490-492] 12.09.10 Traded lock14, splat03, star11 for Left15, Rabbit02, Rabbit07, Play04 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[493] 12.07.10 Traded Mentor08 for Cynic01 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[494] 12.12.10 Traded Kyuubi01 for Wishes09 w/ whitelilies22 -- HERE
[495] 12.15.10 Traded Drink20 for Rabbit01 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[496-499] 12.15.10 Traded Viola15, Viola16, Mind16, Palm17 for Wishes18, SOS04, Author12, Rabbit05 w/ sumeragi_sei -- HERE
[500] 12.17.10 Traded Panterra17 for Relative13 w/ unchainedfenrir -- HERE
[501] 12.19.10 Traded Persocom18, Persocom19 for Noa11 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[502] 12.19.10 Traded Growl10 for Relative09 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[503] 12.20.10 Traded Paradise12 for Play07 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[504] 12.24.10 Traded Slayer13 for Relative14 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[505] 12.24.10 Traded Moon19 for Author19 w/ kikinioth -- HERE
[506-508] 12.26.10 Traded Destiny90, Destiny119, Jellopy96 for Wizard20, Author07, Short19 w/ royalbk -- HERE
[509-510] 12.26.10 Traded Otaku09, Warrior20 for Sos12, Sos14 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[511-514] 12.26.10 Traded Farsketched, kansai05, kansai08, moe01, moe04 for Noa14, Pun02, Unlucky02, Colonel11, Unlucky19 w/ farsketched -- HERE
[515-517] 12.27.10 Traded jellopy62, jellopy85, jellopy86, sharingan15 for Liek01, Pun14, Esper20 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[518] 12.27.10 Traded Mafia02 for Noa01 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[519] 12.21.10 Traded Viola17 for Author16 w/ sumeragi_sei -- HERE
[520-521] 12.27.10 Traded Legend10, Splat05 for Ashes02, Ashes18, and Tongue02 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[522] 12.27.10 Traded Camorra17 for Left18 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[523-525] 12.28.10 Traded Scientist14, Scientist18, Symmetry07 for Arthur19, Reject06, Unlucky09 w/ sumeragi_sei -- HERE
[526-530] 12.28.10 Traded Diamond07, Lion03, Rabbit10, Slacker03, Taiyoukai07, Nun12 for Esper08, Pun15, Wizard07, Wishes12, Unlucky04 w/ mobiuswolf -- HERE
[531-538] 12.30.10 Traded Archer15, Boots13, Coach02, Grin13, Knit14, Phantom18, Plan06, Plan11, Smokes09 for Ashes04, Ashes12, Ashes15, Left02, Puu19, Zangan07, Zangan12, and Tongue08 w/ fiendie -- HERE
[539] 12.30.10 Traded Hyotei15 for Noa18 w/ farsketched -- HERE
[540] 12.31.10 Traded Stone03 for Short01 w/ wildmusings -- HERE
[541-543] 01.01.11 Traded dove16, dreams15, wizard11 for Lost02, Ashes03, Ashes13 w/ wildmusings -- HERE
[544] 01.01.11 Traded Bad12 for SOS20 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[545-546] 01.02.11 Traded Artemis16, Nyoron19, Quest70 for Cynic20, Noa16 w/ mmrobitussin -- HERE
[547] 01.03.11 Traded Varia05 for Wishes11 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[548-549] 01.03.11 Traded Moonlight01, Moonlight16 for Noa02, Noa09 w/ lorelessmoon -- HERE
[550-551] 01.08.11 Traded ainu20, destiny06, quest11 & quest71 for Noa17, Pun10 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[552] 01.08.11 Traded Pokedex75 for Puu18 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[553] 01.08.11 Traded Scar20, Lunar03 for Play08 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[554] 01.09.11 Traded taijutsu19, taijutsu06 for Disney04 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[555] 01.10.11 Traded Genome19 for Loyal17 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[556] 01.11.11 Traded Truth01, Booty20 for Pun11 w/ stuffedpanda -- HERE
[557-558] 01.11.11 Traded Varia09, Madamada14 for Author03, Author13 w/ mmrobitussin -- HERE
[559] 01.12.11 Traded Jellopy100 for Author04 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[560] 10.09.10 Traded Crossover08 for Pluto14, Author11 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[561] 4.03.10 Traded Raven17 for Lost18 w/ kyriefluffins -- HERE
[562] 05.21.10 Traded Pokedex38, Pokedex51 for Disney11 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[563] 01.12.11 Traded Camorra04 for Soldier20 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[564-565] 01.14.11 Traded Right04, Honey12, Loyal16, Tensai08 for Pun20, Tongue06 w/ farsketched -- HERE
[566] 03.12.11 Traded Tezukazonepot for Thorn04, Puzzle09, Play12 w/ whitelilies22 -- HERE
[567-569] 03.12.11 Traded Tristan17, Gotei12, Alana for Liek20, Moe14, Spell08, Spell19, Play03 w/ whitelilies22 -- HERE
[570-575] 03.18.11 Traded espada07, gotei13, gotei14, hat03, madamada08, 10th03 for Pun08, Tongue15, Nyoron04, Curse12, Pluto20, Twin04, Twin15 w/ airwaveeight -- HERE
[576] 03.19.11 Traded Souen35 for Moe05 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[577] 03.19.11 Traded Firearm15 for Loyal18 w/ kyriefluffins -- HERE
[578] 03.20.11 Traded Waves19 for Soldier15 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[579] 03.20.11 Traded Berry06 for Dies18 w/ yamachan01 -- HERE
[580] 03.20.11 Traded Legend08 for Fuku08 w/ wildmusings -- HERE
[581] 03.22.11 Traded Trumpet13 for Swallow17 w/ yamachan01 -- HERE
[582] 03.22.11 Gave Trumpet02 to yamachan01 -- HERE
[583] 03.22.11 Traded Legend01 for Honey01, Prodigy06 w/ unchainedfenrir -- HERE
[584] 03.24.11 Gave Zero09 to dearmykeysx -- HERE
[585-586] 03.26.11 Traded Trumpet04, Trumpet07 for Pizza20, Otaku14 yamachan01 -- HERE
[587-597] 03.27.11 Traded enacting, blue02, carrot02, ginryuu03, ginryuu15, megane05, moon15, producer03, producer19, straight04, typhoon12 & southern17 for Esper18, Wishes01, Wishes15, Phobia19, Unlucky17, Co-host14, Co-host18, Prodigy16, Sleep02, Sleep13, Sleep17, Time16, Pun06 w/ rynnakh -- HERE
[598] 03.27.11 Traded Zero16 for Otaku08 w/ dearmykeysx -- HERE
[599] 03.27.11 Traded Unwanted16 for Pluto09 w/ shadow_desires -- HERE
[600] 03.28.11 Traded Japan10, Sketch07 for Mirror04 w/ surrel -- HERE
[601-604] 04.01.11 Traded frown13, half12, stone13, tease14 for Colonel06, Phobia10, Ideals11, Uranus14 w/ wildmusings -- HERE
[605] 04.03.11 Traded Gel for Sky10, Fuku06 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[606] 04.03.11 Traded Disney06 for Tongue09 w/ caterfree10 -- HERE
[607] 04.03.11 Traded Burn19 for Puu20 w/ kikinioth -- HERE
[608] 04.03.11 Traded Bad12 for Rabbit17 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[609] 04.03.11 Traded Cow02, Dagger14 for Play09 w/ rashiea -- HERE
[610] 04.03.11 Traded Detective15, Pokedex103 for Cameo16 w/ rynankh -- HERE
[611-615] 05.16.11 Traded Jellopy66, Quest12, Kaede17, Drink19, Tensai09, Tensai14 for Play14, Wizard14, Rabbit12, Unlucky11, Unlucky12 w/ mmrobitussin -- HERE
[616-618] 05.22.11 Traded Thrill07, Thrill14, Thrill18 for Colonel19, Time07, White16 w/ zephyra14 -- HERE
[619] 05.22.11 Traded Tristan01, Nun08 for Tongue04 w/ mobiuswolf -- HERE
[620] 05.22.11 Traded Tristan15 for Phobia16 w/ rashiea -- HERE

[388] 11.26.10 Received Genome10 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[389] 11.26.10 Received Pan43 for voting shounenicontest -- HERE
[390] 11.26.10 Received C cert for submitting manga_itest -- HERE
[391] 12.01.10 Received 8th05 for voting rayearth_itest -- HERE
[392] 12.01.10 Received Quest70 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[393] 12.01.10 Received Pride05 for voting rayearth_itest -- HERE
[394] 12.01.10 Received Puu09 for voting anime_crops -- HERE
[395] 12.04.10 Received Warrior07, Crossover14, Spell04 for submitting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[396] 12.04.10 Received Jellopy85 for voting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[397] 12.04.10 Received Kompeito07 for voting animanga_itest -- HERE
[398] 12.04.10 Received Homicide01 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[399] 12.04.10 Received Genome04 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[400] 12.06.10 Received Pokedex33, Magician05 for voting banner_contest -- HERE
[401] 12.07.10 Received Mentor08 for voting sm_icontest -- HERE
[402] 12.07.10 Received Kaede10 for voting manga_character -- HERE
[403] 12.07.10 Received Paradise12 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[404] 12.08.10 Received Sugar16, Moon06, Jailbait20, Trigger03 for voting icon_tournament -- HERE
[405] 12.09.10 Received Nyoron05 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[406] 12.12.10 Received Drink20 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[407] 12.12.10 Received Moe04 for voting manga_itest -- HERE
[408] 12.13.10 Received Sleep14 for voting anime_crops -- HERE
[409] 12.14.10 Received Moonlight16 for voting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[410] 12.16.10 Received Growl10 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[411] 12.16.10 Received Moonlight01 for voting anime_icontext -- HERE
[412] 12.16.10 Received Mafia20 for voting anime_icontext -- HERE
[413] 12.16.10 Received Legend10 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[414] 12.18.10 Received Beloved06 for voting animanga_itest -- HERE
[415] 12.19.10 Received Diamond07 for voting anime_crops -- HERE
[416] 12.19.10 Received SOS07 for voting la_corda_hush -- HERE
[417] 12.19.10 Received Creation12 for voting la_corda_itest -- HERE
[418] 12.19.10 Received Espada02 for voting kouga_stills -- HERE
[419] 12.20.10 Received Time13 for voting manga_itest -- HERE
[420] 12.20.10 Received Awake01, Hosts10, Pokedex77 for submitting sm_icontest -- HERE
[421] 12.21.10 Received Puzzle10, Viola17, Forget11 for voting icon_tournament -- HERE
[422] 12.21.10 Received Moe14, Moe17, Destiny90, Despair14 for voting icon_tournament -- HERE
[423] 12.21.10 Received Esper06 for voting manga_character -- HERE
[424] 12.24.10 Received Plan11 for voting title_awards -- HERE
[425] 12.24.10 Received Moon15 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[426] 12.25.10 Received XXXG08 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[427] 12.25.10 Received Dove16 for voting animanga_itest -- HERE
[428] 12.26.10 Received Honey06 for voting anime_crops -- HERE
[429] 12.26.10 Received Cosplay10, Mafia02, Disney06 for voting shounenbattle -- HERE
[430] 12.26.10 Received Artemis06 for voting shounenicontest -- HERE
[431] 12.26.10 Received Blast15 for voting game_abc -- HERE
[432] 12.26.10 Received Puppet07 for voting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[433] 12.27.10 Received Painter16, Hope14 for voting banner_contest -- HERE
[434] 12.27.10 Received Puppet01, Pan31 for submitting banner_contest -- HERE
[435] 12.27.10 Received Booty02, Lunar03, Symmetry07, Tone13, Revolution10 for making banners cb_overflow -- HERE
[436] 12.28.10 Received Quest11 for voting rayearth_itest -- HERE
[437] 12.28.10 Received Pluto15 for voting sm_icontest -- HERE
[438] 12.28.10 Received Legend01 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[439] 12.29.10 Received Straight04 for voting game_abc -- HERE
[440] 12.29.10 Received Espada07, Gotei14 for submitting game_abc -- HERE
[441] 12.29.10 Received Hyotei15 for voting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[442] 12.29.10 Received Light18, Flute11 for submitting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[443] 12.30.10 Received Strahl20 for voting anime_icontext -- HERE
[444] 12.30.10 Received Despair03 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[445] 12.30.10 Received Bure03, Spirit06, Moonlight14 for submitting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[446] 12.30.10 Received Destiny59 for voting manga_itest -- HERE
[447] 01.01.11 Received Dies05, Bad12, Puzzle11 for voting icon_tournament -- HERE
[448] 01.01.11 Received Esper15 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[449] 01.01.11 Received Lost03 for voting anime_crops -- HERE
[450] 01.01.11 Received Pun07 for voting kouga_stills -- HERE
[451] 01.01.11 Received Gotei13 for voting la_corda_hush -- HERE
[452] 01.01.11 Received Artemis03 for voting la_corda_itest -- HERE
[453] 01.03.11 Received zangan14 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[454] 01.03.11 Received apple15 for voting manga_character -- HERE
[455] 01.03.11 Received protect11 for voting inuawards -- HERE
[456] 01.08.11 Received Snake13, Awake09, Sleep06 for submitting mc_awards -- HERE
[457] 01.08.11 Received Phobia17 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[458] 01.08.11 Received Trumpet04, Taijitsu19, Sketch07 for submitting animanga_itest -- HERE
[459] 01.08.11 Received Prodigy14 forvoting animanga_itest -- HERE
[460] 01.08.11 Received Ballet18, Loyal16 for submitting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[461] 01.08.11 Received Earring08 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[462] 01.08.11 Received Cameo19 for voting itachi_icontest -- HERE
[463] 01.09.11 Received Varia09 for voting shounenicontest -- HERE
[464] 01.12.11 Received Nobodies05 for voting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[465] 01.12.11 Received Dino19 for voting game_abc -- HERE
[466] 01.12.11 Received Summon14 for voting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[467] 01.12.11 Received Lost05, Camorra04, Cat10 for submitting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[468] 01.12.11 Received Visor01 for voting anime_crops -- HERE
[469] 01.12.11 Received pan46, Design07 for signing up icon_tournament -- HERE
[470] 01.12.11 Received Thorn05, White19, Resist04, Phobia09 for voting icon_tournament -- HERE
[471] 01.27.11 Received Blast03 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[472] 01.27.11 Received Adopted10 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[473] 01.27.11 Received co-host04 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[474] 01.27.11 Received Souen28, Quest48 for submitting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[475] 01.27.11 Received Author10 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[476] 01.27.11 Received Apostle20 for voting manga_character -- HERE
[477] 01.27.11 Received Symmetry13 for voting manga_itest -- HERE
[478] 01.27.11 Received Manager11 for voting sm_icontest -- HERE
[479] 01.27.11 Received Ideals19 for voting manga_itest -- HERE
[480] 01.27.11 Received Short02 for voting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[481] 01.27.11 Received Job17 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[482] 01.27.11 Received Varia09 for voting rayearth_itest -- HERE
[483] 03.12.11 Received co-host04 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[484] 03.12.11 Received Warrior16 for voting manga_itest -- HERE
[485] 03.12.11 Received Jellopy33 for voting anime_icontext -- HERE
[486] 03.12.11 Received Psynergy02 for voting sm_icontest -- HERE
[487] 03.21.11 Received Cameo08 for voting manga_character -- HERE
[488] 03.21.11 Received Weapon02 for voting sm_icontest -- HERE
[489] 03.22.11 Received Feathers20 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[490] 03.22.11 Received Crusnik06 for voting game_abc -- HERE
[491] 03.22.11 Received Rekka27 for voting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[492] 03.22.11 Received White08 for voting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[493] 03.27.11 Received Hostess12, Slayer20, Dino11 for voting shounenbattle -- HERE
[494] 03.28.11 Received Weapon14 for voting animanga_itest -- HERE
[495] 03.28.11 Received Gay16 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[496] 04.02.11 Received Phobia14 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[497] 04.02.11 Received Fiance01 for voting kingdom_chorus -- HERE
[498] 04.02.11 Received Destiny06 for voting manga_character -- HERE
[499] 04.02.11 Received Artemis18 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[500] 04.03.11 Received Bad12 for voting animanga_itest -- HERE
[501] 04.03.11 Received Cow02, Orb18, Kyrios19 for submitting animanga_itest -- HERE
[502] 04.03.11 Received Pun02 for voting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[503] 04.03.11 Received Nun08, Pokedex103, Weapon06 for submitting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[504] 04.03.11 Received Summon10 for voting mc_awards -- HERE
[505] 04.05.11 Received Colonel09 for voting anime_abc -- HERE
[506] 04.05.11 Received Saturn13 for voting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[507] 04.05.11 Received Summon17, Dust08, Weapon07 for submitting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[508] 04.05.11 Received Police18 for voting game_abc -- HERE
[509] 04.05.11 Received Pizza01, Hin03, Twin04 for submitting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[510] 04.05.11 Received Emo16 for voting fmadesignawards -- HERE
[511] 04.07.10 Received Ocarina17, Pokedex141, Triforce10 for voting shounenicontest -- HERE
[512] 04.07.10 Received Normal20 for voting shounenbattle -- HERE
[513] 04.07.10 Received Slayer10, Water09, Weapon12 for submitting clamp_icontest -- HERE
[514] 04.07.10 Received Left20 for voting anime_eloquence -- HERE
[515] 04.07.10 Received Unlucky05 for voting kkm_itest -- HERE
[516] 04.08.10 Received Swallow14 for voting title_awards -- HERE
[517] 05.17.11 Received Bandage02 for voting rayearth_itest -- HERE
[518] 05.17.11 Received Tristan15, Zero12, Loner14, Weapon10 for submitting rayearth_itest -- HERE
[519] 05.21.11 Received Cow19, Pokedex131, Lock08 for voting shounenbattle -- HERE

11.26.10 Received C cert, Tongue10, Orb04 for placing manga_itest -- HERE
11.29.10 Received Resist17, Evil06, Uranus12, Kailu06, Demon09, Earring20, Sherry07, Puu17, Lock15, Idiot17, Novelist01, Ainu20, Rekka13, Grin13, Blitz07, Camorra08 for mod pay -- HERE
12.01.10 Received C cert, Axe14, Oresama11, Otaku04 for quiz -- HERE
12.01.10 Received C cert for quiz -- HERE
12.01.10 Received Adopted13, Splat05, Materia18, Boots09 for quiz -- HERE
12.07.10 Received Jagan03, Pokedex04, Smokes09, Perfect10, Dog09, Quest51, Purity07, Rabbit10, Bow16, Wolf06, Adopted06, Lion03, Genome12, Souen35, Celes09, Knit13 for mod pay -- HERE
12.07.10 Received Farsketched, A cert, R cert for lotto -- HERE
12.07.10 Received S cert, B cert, Stone03, Lolicon18, Kompeito08, Genrou18, Hikkomori16 for reaching 400 contributions -- HERE
12.09.10 Received Chariot07, Moe01, Sugar18, Sugar17, Tone16, Forget06, Attack15, Gemini12, Panterra10, Photos15, Puzzle02, Puzzle04, Puzzle07 for masteries -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Flute05 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Senpai20 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Swallow16 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Prodigy01 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Prodigy05 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Sleep04 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Co-host16 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Blitz15 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Magician20 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Ideals12 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Zangan10 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Zero09 card shop -- HERE
12.12.10 Received Crow04 card shop -- HERE
12.16.10 Received Archer15, Ruffles17, Sister20, Chosen05, Vino04, Rookie17, Madamada14, Liek14, Sight06, Knit14, Apple02, Underage20, Slacker03, Doujin05, Palm20, Bride06 -- here
12.20.10 Received Unlucky03, Dual01 for placing sm_icontest -- HERE
12.21.10 Received S cert, B cert, Ghosts03, Hat03, Paradise13, Moon19, Jenova15 for 500 trades -- HERE
12.21.10 Received Carrot02, Burn19, Gemini16, Abyssinian10, Lost16, Ise01, Paradise04, Sharingan15, Relative12, Scar20, Sight15, Broom04, Detective15, Play05, Pokedex75, Guard12 for mod pay -- HERE
12.24.10 Received Ornaments, Present, Tree Secret Santa Event -- HERE
12.26.10 Received Puzzle15, Puzzle17, Brigade, Time04, Pokedex46, Vision16, Scientist14 for event mastery -- HERE
12.27.10 Exchanged Eeveelyn for C.Poring event card ex -- HERE
12.27.10 Exchanged Eeveelyn for C.Poring event card ex -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Egyptian16 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Visor20 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received White14 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Swallow10 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Secret17 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Prodigy12 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Dual11 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Crow15 card shop -- HERE
12.27.10 Received Shark11, Secret14, Flower16, Wizard11, Bombay10, Dies17, Resist13, Sitar17, Honey12, Attack09, Souen25, Half12, Tensai08, Nun12, Camorra17, Scientist18 for mod pay -- HERE
12.28.10 Exchanged C.Poring for Shoulder02, Puzzle19, Thorn01, Alana, Santa Hat, Black Hat event card ex -- HERE
12.28.10 Exchanged C.Poring for shoulder04, thorn02, thorn03, alana, santa hat, resonancy event card ex -- HERE
12.29.10 Received A cert, Music lotto -- HERE
12.30.10 Received Right04, Vision14 for placing fmadesignawards -- HERE
01.01.11 Exchanged Gay06 for Tongue03 card exchange -- HERE
01.03.11 Received Colonel08, Perfect14, Destiny06, Strahl12, Punisher20, Hope01, Typhoon12, Jellopy95, Slayer06, Gotei12, Tone04, Moon16, Camorra16, Symmetry20, Varia05 for mod pay -- HERE
01.08.11 Received Solar20, Persocom16, Taijitsu06, C cert for quiz -- HERE
01.08.11 Received C cert for quiz -- HERE
01.08.11 Received Pan44, Despair06 for quiz -- HERE
01.08.11 Received Tree16 for winning game_abc -- HERE
01.08.11 Exchanged Santa Hat for Shoulder05 event card ex -- HERE
01.08.11 Exchanged Santa Hat for Shoulder06 event card ex -- HERE
01.09.11 Received A cert, Disney10, Amnesia05, Hunter17, Mentor04, Truth01, Gay11, Iris14, Materia16, Pitcher02, Servant02, Lunar04, Future02, Snake12 for leveling up -- HERE
01.10.11 Received Genrou07, Pan11, Relative10, Friend01, Lynx10, Nano10, Diamond18, Objection10, Sleep05, Southern17, Forget08, Persocom12, Axe09, Genome19, Blue18, Guardian05 for mod pay -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Jellopy100 for placing anime_eloquence -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Left04 card shop -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Senpai12 card shop -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Co-Host01 card shop -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Flute07 card shop -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Flute08 card shop -- HERE
01.12.11 Received Stone13, Dark11, Lynx07, Kyrios19, Relative15, Relative20, Sos19, Author15, Relative03, Rayearth12, Cynic10, Cynic17, Jewel10, Camorra14, Left11, Thorn06, Mind02, Legend02, Shoulder07, Celes15, Producer03, Shoulder08, Mind18, Legend08, Thorn07, Thorn08, Otaku11, Uranus02, Disney02, Wife16, Onigiri09, Souen21, Master01, Noa10, Noa19 for masteries -- HERE
01.14.11 Exchanged Seal13, Seer07, Sister20, Sitar17 for Noa04 card ex -- HERE
01.27.11 Received Kaiser17, Souen29, Dancer01, Kansai02, Nya17, Seal17, Split01, Mafia18, Flower05, Wishes05, Slayer08, Drill19, Snap20, Bite15, Trigger16, Silent06 for mod pay -- HERE
03.01.11 Received Kaiser19, Apostle16, Cherry12, Thrill14, Sister08, Pokedex16, Destiny110, Snap08, Snap17, Evil15, Justice18, Kaede17, Tristan17, Sitar05, Pilot15, Stalker04 for mod pay -- HERE
02.25.11 Received Emo06, Producer19, Despair11, Shuusaku13, Gemini03, Heart01, Pudding20, Plum12, Copy17, Little14, Magic19, Fuku10, Tristan01, Unwanted16, Drink19, Phobia11 for mod pay -- HERE
02.14.11 Received Sakujo13, Madamada14, Thrill07, Shaman14, Fox03, Bite14, Frown13, Quest10, Distant19, Ocarina07, Tensai03, Dies16, Nobodies16, Madamada08, Hope01, Shift01 for mod pay -- HERE
02.19.11 Received Cameo17 for deck help -- HERE
03.19.11 Exchanged Purity03, Purity07, Sister20 & Snap13 for Shoulder09 card ex -- HERE
03.19.11 Exchanged C cert for Firearm15 -- HERE
03.19.11 Received Yanki11, Jellopy66, Puu15, Deceit18, Sitar01, Bride19, Crow16, Persocom13, Nya19, Prodigy08, Jenova13, Berry06 for mod pay -- HERE
03.20.11 Received Shift20, Blue02, Waves19, Prince14, Attack06, Pyro06, Cook07, Phantom19, Nishiura03, Gemini03, Mentor05, Souen16, Fuuin21, Boots09, Flame03, Little10 for mod pay -- HERE
03.22.11 Received Japan10, Jewel20, Varia17, Pudding06, Weapon01, Weapon03, Weapon04, Weapon05 for masteries -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Secret01 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Tensai03 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Prodigy15 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Radical01 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Phobia06 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Pluto05 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Time15 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received White12 at the card shop -- HERE
03.23.11 Received Celes17 at the card shop -- HERE
03.24.11 Exchanged R certificate for Shoulder10 -- HERE
03.24.11 Exchanged Crossover14 for Moe07 card exchange -- HERE
03.24.11 Received Pan50, Senpai04, Weapon08, Weapon09 for Moe mastery -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Weapon11 match game -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Celes18 card shop -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Twin03 card shop -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Honey11 card shop -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Twin07 card shop -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Twin08 card shop -- HERE
03.28.11 Received Tensai09, Manager15, Lunar08, Quest12, Madamada04, Spell14, Tensai14, Maou18, Nya15, Shukaku02, Slayer06, Money02 mod pay -- HERE
04.01.11 Got Twin09 card shop -- HERE
04.01.11 Got Twin13 card shop -- HERE
04.01.11 Got Twin17 card shop -- HERE
04.03.11 Received Dagger14, Loveless20 for placing animanga_itest -- HERE
04.03.11 Received C cert, warwolves lotto -- HERE
04.08.11 Received Mirror01, Thrill18, Scatter09, Rat08, Perfect20, Pipe06, Water12, Coffee17, Morph19, Drill13, Ise05, Dual01 for mod pay -- HERE
04.06.11 Received Poisson for April Fool's Event -- here
04.06.11 Received Spaghetti for April Fool's Event -- here
04.06.11 Received Feast for April Fool's Event -- here
04.06.11 Received Bag for April Fool's Event -- here
05.16.11 Received Swallow14, Prey14, Lost15 for role call -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Crow02 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Ideals13 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Ideals15 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Swallow05 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Swallow15 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Flute19 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Nyoron19 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Materia07 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Pride04 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Pan19 card shop -- HERE
05.19.11 Received Destiny36 card shop -- HERE
05.21.11 Received Shirokin, Traitor13, Coach12, Jailbait05, Pokedex25, Ginryuu17, Weapon13, Weapon15, Farsketched event card exchange -- HERE
05.21.11 Received Loyal08, Ashes01, Colonel02, Colonel14, Colonel16, Dies08, Dies07, Dies03, Pluto17, Ideals15, Pluto18, Cameo07, Cameo13, Prince01, Destiny82, Norse09, Peach08, Rekka29, Varia01, Master16, Idiot14, Knit09, Knit14, Light10, Lolicon17, Lynx12, Lynx13, Mist13, Mist14, Monster05, Monster08, Nano15, Nirvash12, Nirvash14, Noble03, Normal12, Normal15, Nun07, Nun10, Nun14, Nun16, Occult04, Palm08, Photos14, Pizza01, Pizza04, Prey11, Primrose18 from Uri -- HERE
05.22.11 Received Insei07, Orb20, Chariot08, Pretear03, Trumpet18, Memory04, Purity03, Dove03, Ginryuu15, Heart01, Neptune12, Violin07 for mod pay -- HERE


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