Title: On a Hot Summer Day...
Author: Lhuneldaiel
Characters: Fernando Gago, Pedro León
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 356 words.
Summary: Pedro feels hot. Fernando has ice water.
Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure this never ever happened anywhere but in my pervy little mind.
Special thanks to:
jennis_footie for putting me up to this.
Comments are much appreciated.
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Comments 27
GUH! I love how Pedro is so unaware of how much he is turning Fer on. I really hope you plan on writing more of them because after reading this I want more. LOL. Seriously, you can't just leave it there!
Hahaha, Pedro has no clue --- yet. I'd love to write some more, but have to get to know his character first, see what he tells me... he's still a bit shy *g*
LOL, poor Fer. Whenever you figure out what character Pedro will be I can't wait to read it.
I do have a feeling they get along, him and Fer. I can't wait to write about them hahaha!
It makes me feel really dirty, in a good way, which is hot so I love it. :P
Of course I feel bad for encouraging these two to behave all naughty with each other when Serg isn't around. But seriously, there is no way this wasn't a beautiful, slashy accident just waiting to happen as soon as these two laid eyes on each other. I have to wonder if Pedro didn't get the 'heads up' on Gago from Miguelito. XD
Anyway, this fic is great. Just what the doctor ordered in this incessantly hot weather. I love how Fer pours his water on himself and then gives Pedro an impromptu shower. The description of Pedro, from the 'unruly curls' (GUHH) to the 'countours of his muscles' and 'the effect the sudden wetness had on his nipples' was vividly sensual and delightful.
I needed this. I loved this. Thank you for expanding on the original idea! XDDDD
I know, it does make you feel a little dirty, huh? I also feel bad for wanting slashy moments between Fer and Pedro when Sergie isn't around, but who knows... Maybe they've found a new playmate *bites hand*
Thanks, I am so happy you like the extended version! Like I said, it's a bit like the typical guy fantasy of two hot chciks playing with a water hose on a warm day.
The description of Pedro, from the 'unruly curls' (GUHH) to the 'countours of his muscles' and 'the effect the sudden wetness had on his nipples' was vividly sensual and delightful.
He is sinful, really.
quite the image that provided =)
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