Day 18 → Whatever tickles your fancy
In this post, I shall endeavour to prove to you just how much of a gamer/geek I am. Note: * Denotes that it is currently an active character.
Thread Based RPGs
Hogwarts ( This was my first Thread-based RPG that I played in highschool, literally 10 years ago. They are still running and I actually remember the people who still run it as well. My first character, Tavyan even has his own paragraph in their "Hogwarts, A History" wiki.
Tavyan Bertholdt- Ravenclaw Alumnus (Attended during their years of 1939-1942 if I remember correctly)
Chiron the Centaur
Drake Rakal- Ravenclaw Ghost for a term
Lindsey Holloway- Slytherin 6th year (Attended during their years of 1963-1964 if I remember correctly)
From "Hoggies" I moved on to 2 thread based RPGs run by the same admins way back when. One was a medieval gothic castle, Drell Bakkar, (my character's name was Karien Rakal) and then I created the first incarnation of Drake Rakal for the second, called Kenson: City of Destiny.
I did an X-Men based RPG that I ran with a few RL friends where I played Kitty, Bobby, Scott, and Professor X.
I have also been a member of a Yahoogroup based Lord of the Rings Spanking game where I played Meriadoc Brandybuck, which led to me also picking up Elrohir of Rivendell for a moment. That was around 2003/4-ish.
And I started my first Drake character way back when at an ageplay website when I was 16 (so... 2001-ish until about 2007) that led to a number of consecutive remakes and replays all based around the same group of people. We started at Guardian Island, then branched off to our own Skagg Island, and ended on a forum named Kirdaleigh. I have nostalgic memories of all of it. This is a website where I attempt to fulfill my spanking roleplay desires. Unfortunately there are so many passive illiterates that I only post requests when I'm seriously craving something and they usually go unfulfilled.
Star Wars:
Linial Dubrii - Ex-Sith turned Jedi Apprentice
Bobby, Logan This is a website that is anything goes adult. I attempt to find spanking roleplays here too, but since it's a general website I usually have to combine other elements of kinks as well if I want to find anyone to play with. This is usually hit-or-miss. You either get the illiterates that are willing to play anything with you, or you get the Doctoral Snobs who won't go near you. I've had a couple good runs though.
Laena/Leuca- Slave of Gianna in Ancient Greece
Rissa- Werewolf omega
Kelsey- Student
Mariella Casartelli- Wife of Mafia Boss
Zoey from Left 4 Dead
Alistair from Dragon Age
Natasha Romanoff from Iron Man
Tavyan Bertholdt- lvl 58 Wood Elf Bard
Cenreny- lvl 53 Gnome Rogue (slave of a Dark Elf guild which led to me learning to speak Drow because it’s all they used in guildspeak)
Winkie- lvl 26 Magician (she was based off the house-elf cuz they have different magic than wizards, which is an actual class in EQ)
Star Wars Galaxies (Pre-expansions)
Arrav- Zabrak Rifleman
Aidri- Zabrak Entertainer/Doctor
Karah- lvl 8 Monk, lvl 5 White Mage, Warrior, Thief
Everquest Online Adventures (PS2 game)
Bappin- lvl 10 Halfling Rogue
Everquest II
Cenreny- lvl 18 Gnome Assassin (Evil side)
Tavyan- lvl 13 Wood Elf Bard (Good side)
City of Villians
Captain Kitten- Man I don’t even remember… I only played for a few months before my computer rejected it.
World of Warcraft
Cenreny- lvl 35 Gnome Rogue (Subtlety)
Suuwee - lvl 80 Troll Mage (Arcane)
Shonna- lvl 73 Tauren Hunter (Marksmanship)
Callys- lvl 80 Blood Elf Priest (Holy)
Champions Online
Captain Hammer - Strength related... he was a rip off of Nathan Fillion's Dr. Horrible character. I only played the game for like a week, anyway.
D&D (2nd ed converted into 3rd)
Cenreny- lvl 8 Gnome Arcane Trickster
Tavyan Bertholdt- lvl 3 Half Elf Bard/Thief
Huarian Sian- lvl 2 Half-Elf Monk
D&D 4th Ed
Riska Puddlejumper - Halfling Rogue
Callia - Halfling Rogue (The only D&D character I have who has died. It was an epic death, though ;) )
Thatari - An Elf Cleric that I only played for one setting
Seiko Morita "Vesper" - A Street Samurai Elf who was at .1 essence
Champions 3rd Ed (Marvel Universe)
Maire Wilson- Granddaughter of Siryn and Deadpool. She was electricity based.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2009 Edition)
Kharanni - Started as an Agent, is now a Zealot
Burning Wheel
Alanni - A Noble, Bastard, Criminal, Smuggler.
Syd Highwind - Captain of the Crimson Tide (An all-female pirate ship)
In Nomine
Jolene - Kyriotate Servitor of Jean
Star Wars (1st ed. D6 system)
Batwe Fakkar- Dead Twi’lek Pilot (I botched my Force Die when landing the shuttle, crashed, and died. Stupid Force Die)
A Mon Calamari Force Sensitive Bounty Hunter whose name I can’t remember.
Aria- Myrrhn Fighter (Can’t remember the actual class name)
Legend of the Five Rings
Suzume- Crab Hiruma Scout
Changeling: The Lost
Autumn Court Elemental
Vampire: The Masquerade (LARP)
Now the funny thing about all of my Vampire characters is that every single character I’ve played (until Jace) has been shoveled at one point in time. It’s really sad because they were all in a Camarilla town, but I managed to get shoveled anyway.
Stirling- 10th Gen Brujah Anarch(dead)
Drake Rakal- 11th Gen (started 12th) Caitiff, Sabbat posing as Cam
Clausa- 9th Gen Brujah (supposed to be a True Brujah but the ST wouldn’t let me, so she acted like it instead)
Luna- 12th Gen Gangel (Shoveled 4 times and turned onto Path of Night… hers is a very interesting story)
Anouk- 12th Gen Ravnos (My fav. Char so far)
--- (This denotes the time between LARPing in my hometown, and the years it took me to find another LARP in Cleveland and Oberlin, where I have played all of these characters.)
Jace- 9th Gen City Gangrel, Sabbat turned Anarch
Krista- 11th Gen Nosferatu, Childe of Latrine. Cam
Lilah- 10th Gen Pander, Sabbat
Enid Black- 11th Gen Tremere, Cam. (Died in a technocracy bomb explosion wired to her brain. Gotta love dark fate.)
World of Darkness (LARP)
Aidan- Werewolf Rank 1 Homid Fianna Ragabash
A Werewolf Rank 3 Lupus Fianna Theurge whose name I can't remember.
Kairi- Changling Seelie Childing Pooka (Sparrow form)
Wall-Nibbler- Changing Breed Rank 2 Rodens Tunnel-Runner
A Changing Breed Rank 1 Corax I played for one session but really enjoyed.
Vampire: The Requiem (LARP)
Riah- Circle of the Crone Daeva
Paranoia (LARP- yes it does exist)
Jell-O-FUN- Orange Clearance, Housing Preservation and Development and Mind Control, Illuminati, 8 deaths
We-R-DED- Red Clearance, Armed Forces, Sierra Club, 13 deaths (2nd highest in the game!)
Fish-Y-FIN - Yellow Clearance, Armed Forces, Death Leopard, 9 deaths
Prawn! (LARP)
This is the LARP where you actually play in a swimming pool with a fish as a character. It’s great fun, family-friendly, and I recommend it to everyone if you ever get the chance.
Vlad, The Vampire Squid
Flynn, The Swordfish
Random Online Games
Quake 3 Arena
Unreal Tournament
A Fluffy Cloud (cuz it makes me laugh when I see “You’ve been killed by A Fluffy Cloud” or “A Fluffy Cloud is on a rampage!”)
Connor and Murphy MacManus (
confym )
Drake Ainsley (
ainsleytravels ) *
As well as my own version of Sherlock Holmes in the
charloft chat applet, though he does not have an LJ because I never intended on keeping him active.
Then there are a few other WOD LARP characters that I remember playing but I can’t remember names, clans, or tribes, and a few more tabletop characters that I don’t remember much about and didn’t play for very long. Plus I have a plethora of low level characters in all my MMORPGs because if I get to an impassible point or I just get bored I have a tendancy to create a new character and try out the other classes. But yeah. I think that’s all of them.
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