So I've signed up for
hc_bingo because it seemed interesting and my writing bug has been biting me pretty hard recently. My card, under the cut.
sexual extortion: to pay for something
major illness
rape / recovery
blood loss
unwanted superpower (sudden onset)
ghosts and hauntings
insanity (always there)
sensory deprivation
vampires: sun burn or poisoning
drug addiction
spinal injury
sex pollen
fear of flying
werewolves: silver poisoning
caught in a robbery
loss of limbs / limb function
forced soulbonding
fuck or die
vampires: fresh bite / first transformation
social phobia
I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about a couple of these. I'm planning on spanning multiple fandoms right now... Definitely a Sirius/Remus is in the mix, (I mean, c'mon... "werewolves: silver poisoning") and I think I'm going to try some Leverage fic too. Whee!!