Feb 08, 2009 16:53

Some progress but not much of note:

101 in 1001

1. Turn off TV more
This has been hard. My office is in the family room and mom keeps coming in a watching TV. I turn it off as much as I can, but need to do it more. It’s a big distraction.
2. Do items on health list
3. Go back to college
4. Take creative writing class
5. Finish genealogy
I’m looking for a good genealogy program for my Apple, but haven’t found it yet.
6. Get two merit badges a year from the book “You Can Do It”
7. Learn to use computer for something other than a typewriter.
8. Make 101 list General Plan
9. Make 101 list Action Plan (how am I going to get all this accomplished?)
10. Pay more attention to Spiritual needs
11. Start journal
12. Get eight hours of sleep:
a. Up at 6 am, requires a ten pm bedtime (lights out at ten requires a 9pm in bed time) Very bad here. I’m going to bed at ten, but I’ve been up to two or three every night reading my book. I’ve been sleeping til 10 am. Sometimes its hard to be disciplined when you are self-employed.
13. Be more patient with mother (she’s so critical, ignores her health but complains all the time-drives me crazy)
Be careful what you wish for...

So, I've injured my back (my knee popped out and I fell). I can't get out of bed by myself, I've been laid up for over a week without much improvement. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday. Anyway, my infirmity has me so incapitated that my mom has to take care of me. Its a sad state when she's the healthiest in the house . So the shoe has been on the other foot. It has made me much more sympathetic to her. She's in her glory. She loves doing for folks.

14. Take a Great Courses course
a. Choose a course, order it, watch or listen to it.
15. Relearn my Arabic (its been 20 years since I’ve spoken it, and so many here have expressed an interest in learning it, maybe we can group together)

16. Restore Carriage House
a. Fire old contractor
b. Hire lawyer to get deposit back
I’ve contacted a lawyer and sent him my papers. We’ll see what he says.
c. write new contract and specifications so I won’t have a problem again
d. start calling new contractors to get bids
e. choose one and hire him/her
17. Learn to make own repairs instead of calling repairmen all the time
So far a failure here. I hired someone to fix two toilets and change the battery in the smoke alarm. But I don’t feel too bad, there wasn’t much I could do with my back out. Next time.
18. Get landscaping done
a. call landscaper and get bids
A pergola and picket fence are being made right now.
19. Get home garden together

20. Get backyard patio built
21. Get bedroom decorated and organized (I need a peaceful beautiful retreat.)
I have started organizing the room (I can see some floor!)
22. Get office organized
23. Keep with the laundry and ironing
I’ve caught up with laundry

24. Get Green committee back together
a. Send out e-mail notifying of meeting date.
25. Get all restaurants in area registered Green.
a. call Paul (the owner of the only green restaurant in town) to help
b. download Virginia Green requirements and send to all restaurants
c. find out how to replace styro-foam for take-outs
d. make appointmenst with restaurant owners to talk about this
26. Do another big green project
a. ask at meeting for ideas
27. Write about Arab-American discrimination
I’ve started to dabble in some writing. What I want to write is in there, but its still so personal Its hard to get out. I’ve written a book review about this on Amazon and made a post on LJ and 101.
28. Run for office
29. Learn about our water here
a. join Chesapeake Bay foundation
30 Learn about our homeless here.
I’ve been collecting news articles on them.
31. Save the Bees
a. put on a Bee Faire to raise money for research
32. Fight development
33. Take recyclables to the center
a. go every Monday (we don’t have curb pick-up here)

34. Have friends over once a mth (need to get space to do that first)
a Finish Carriage House and patio first
b. Have smaller gatherings till then
Had one dinner party and am making plans for another…Mexican Fiesta Night!
35. Make a larger circle of friends
I’ve had one dinner party and included a new person
36. Keep in touch with old friends
37. Get a divorce (I haven’t seen him in 12 years-what am I waiting for?)
38. Stay in better contact with my cousins
Had cousin visit for a week.

39. Read one fun book a week
A little behind here, as I’ve chosen James Mitchner’s “The Chesapeke” for my first book. But I’ve finished it and enjoyed it very much. (1/52)
40. Take a class and learn something new
a. Register for John Adams class at local museum.
I’ve missed this week’s class due to throwing my back out
b. Register at Arts Center for Water Color Class
c. Register for chair making class at museum
41. Get a dog.
42. Train dog
43. Try to get on a reality home or self improvement show.
I took pictures of how horrible parts of the house are.
44. Cook more
45. Go to Egypt/Morocco/Tunis
46. Take daughter to Palestine
47. Help mom fill out Story of My Life book
I’ve got the books. Now to get her to do them.
48. Help mom make her family cook book
49. Read a 1001 Nights (hey, why not?)
a. Get the book!
I got three books. One the original Richard Burton translation, a new translation, and a history book on story. I also got a super deluxe beautifully illustrated book, and I’ll read that one because it makes me happy to look at the pictures.

50. Take a Tofurkey picture.
51. See more plays
52. See more international films

53. Get website together
54. Get photos
55. Redo promotional material
56. Network
57. File receipts
58. Do taxes on time
My yearly sales taxes are done, my transient taxes are done. I’m working on my personal property taxes.
59. See lawyer and get incorporated
60. Get a publication write up.
61. Improve online ratings
62. Learn call forwarding
62. Answer messages the same day.
64. 2009-double business from 2008
We did ten times more business in Jan. 09 than we did in 08. Good start, but Feb. has been slow.
65. 2010-triple business from 2008
66. Look more presentable-wear makeup and more professional clothes
67. Make a profit!!!
68. Develop policy and procedures manual
69. Write business plan

70. Make a will
71. Make a living will
72. Write last wishes
73. Get all affairs in order-just in case.
74. Start retirement fund
75. Start savings account
I put $25,000 in a Money Market account.
76. Stop impulse spending
77. Cut expenses by at least 10%
78. Make Suze Orman proud of me
79. Find out credit score and improve it
80. Understand my finances

81. Get health insurance
82. Get physical
83. Get MRI and knee surgery
I got my MRI. Just need to schedule surgery.
84. Lose 50 lbs.
85. Keep them off
86. Exercise three days a week min.
87. Get teeth fixed.
88. See dentist twice a year.

89. Finish stained glass gift
90. Make a chair
91. Get something published (besides a letter to editor)
92. Find out how to do lj cuts DONE!!!
Sometimes I can do it and sometimes I can’t.
93. Unpack all boxes (I’ve lived here two years now, for gosh sakes)
94. Stop letting things go…If I’m cheated, abused, insulted, taken advantage of-SPEAK
I’m going to small claims court this Thursday on a case of my lawn care guy breaking a water pipe and cutting my electrical wires. He refused to pay for them.
95. Be Martha…I’ll do the suggestions in the calendar of Martha Stewart’s Living.
96. Stop procrastinating or being wimpy.
I stood up for myself when posters gave me grief for no reason.
97. Do something crazy and out of character.
98. Get out more
99. Finish the True Blood book series
I’ve finished all the current ones out in paper back, a new will be out soon.
100. Read all my financial books
101. Finish library

mission 101 update

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