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Apr 28, 2020 11:38

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Comments 33

ladyoneill April 28 2009, 18:12:42 UTC
Hi, I've read a few of your fics that must have been posted to comms and really, really liked them and would love to read more. I'm new to reading Heroes fanfic but I've been in fandom for a long, long time and swear I'm not a wack, so I'd be grateful if you added me.


liam22 April 29 2009, 01:20:29 UTC
Added :D

It's nice to meet you.


force_oblique May 2 2009, 20:39:38 UTC
Awws good for you bb!
you have the right to keep some things visible only to people you trust! <3


Hello faith_wicked June 1 2009, 00:48:04 UTC
I was hopeing to be friended so i will be able to read some of your fics. Congrats on your sylaire award win.


Re: Hello liam22 June 1 2009, 13:57:02 UTC
Of course :)

And thank you for the congrats!


magisterequitum June 10 2009, 20:31:21 UTC

I've read a few of your stories over at the awards and I would really like to read your others. If that's okay with you.



liam22 June 10 2009, 22:41:59 UTC
Of course :)


Add :D fallingisbetter June 14 2009, 10:48:54 UTC
Hi~ I read one of your stories at the Sylar/Claire awards thing. I was hoping I could read the rest of the stories you've made. ^_^ So, that said, please add me~ :))


Re: Add :D liam22 June 15 2009, 22:16:30 UTC
Of course :D


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