It was too much to hope that Hojo would just let him die. No, he had been healed…and he was forced to live on.
Lian Hua: Why? Didn't Hojo want to kill them both? What made him change his mind?
Hojo: The Final Fantasy VII canon.
Iscariot: It's almost as if he got such satisfaction from killing the Sue that he decided to let Boytoy live and suffer.
He was forced to continue to receive those hellish injections, and didn't care when Hojo continued to sneak those Cetra-cells into his normal dosages. He didn't care about anything anymore.
Author: Because fuck you, fuck logic and fuck everything I have written before this!
One week after her death, Sephiroth and Zack were sent to Neiblehiem NIBELHEIM to inspect the malfunctioning Reactor. They were so drunk from the weeklong after-party, it was a wonder they made it.
Despite all the hellish hangover he had experienced, he still was required to go.
Lian Hua: Because the President is such a wonderful and considerate man. Not at all a cold hearted, shrewd dictator who put Shinra's profits and his own power above all.
Now here he sat, alone in this dank basement. Perhaps it had been an accident that he had wandered down into this place.
Lian Hua: He was actually looking for a quiet place to nurse his hangover.
Perhaps it had been an accident that this book, the "Jenova Project," had fallen into his hands.
Lian Hua: It was an accident! He walked right into the bookcase while searching for the light switch.
Flipping through the pages…the truth became clear to him. It was a collection of yaoi smut fanfiction in which he was the main character.
Lian Hua: What truth? He already knows he is enhanced, he already despises humanity and cares very little for it... is the narrator talking about the fact that Sephiroth mistakenly believed that Jenova is his mother? Irrelevant! Sephiroth hates Jenova, so he would have no reason to feel any affection towards her or be angry on her behalf for the human race's cowardice.
Hate and rage doubled back on him, until he knew exactly what he must do.
Author: If I ignore absolutely everything I have established so far in terms of plot and character development, I can make my story lead directly into canon! Genius, I is!
"I told you that you were the fandom's bicycle, but you wouldn't believe me. Do you believe me now…my son?"
Lian Hua: Even if Sephiroth would concede to the fact that Jenova was his mother, that would not change anything! She's still the one responsible for a lot of the pain and misery that he and Julia went through. Jenova threatened Julia's life numerous times, held Sephiroth in a coma and got them both raped! She is a complete monster! Sephiroth hates her guts! Her background and status as his supposed mother do not matter! If Harry Potter ever found out that Voldemort is his real father, do you really think he would turn into a Death Eater?
Nothing Juliaverse!Sephiroth could read in that file should make him act towards Jenova the way the real Sephiroth did in canon.
One day…he would have revenge.
Iscariot: No, he would not. Why? Because the author is a HACK who does not understand that nothing in Final Fantasy VII allows Sephiroth to obtain any kind of resolution for what she has built here. Aside from one murderous rampage and the killing of President Shinra, Sephiroth does not even seem to care about anyone other than Cloud. He never goes after Hojo, despite numerous chances. He never gets revenge for the murder of his wife, son and friends.
Lian Hua: The epilogue says Sephiroth lost the will to live after Julia's death - the game on the other hand, shows that he has a phenomenal will, so strong that he refused to dissipate into the Lifestream and kept coming back one way or anyther to torture Cloud. Not Hojo, the man supposedly responsible for all his troubles and suffering. Cloud.
Yes, the retard of Shinra High/SOLDIER. According to them, Juliaverse!Sephiroth got majorly owned THREE TIMES (taking Advent Children into account) by a whiny, cowardly, unskilled and hypersensitive moron. With whom he is also obsessed.
Humiliating, isn't it?
Iscariot: And we haven't even reached the bottom of the Great Abyss of Fail. To expand on Slave fucking up the characterization: it is very unbefitting and atypical of Boytoy to be so completely and utterly apathetic after Julia's death. Time and time again, the story has proven that he is an incredibly petty and vengeful character.
In Shinra High, he gets "revenge" on the entire footbal team of the school for the acts of only half of them. In Shinra SOLDIER, when he believes Julia was killed, he sits back and acts like a useless lump only AFTER he's exacted an incredibly gruesome and cruel revenge upon the Empress and by extent, Yuffie. He helps Julia brutally torture and kill nineteen men for the deaths of his son and ghei lover Carboard Guy, even when the odds were they had the wrong guys.
So now that Julia is ACTUALLY dead, suddenly Sephiroth doesn't give a damn anymore. This doesn't fit in with what we've seen so far - he should be going on a tantrum and rampage against Hojo and murdering and torturing anyone who looks at him funny just because he can. Of course, going by Juliaverse standards he wouldn't have gone mad, it would have just showed how much he LUUUUVED poor angewic Juwia. And when Sephiroth DOES go on that rampage in FFVII, not only does he pass up on many, many chances to kill Hojo and anyone else he had a grudge against in the fic, but instead he murders the President specifically, a character who Slave tried to portray as the one benevolent Shinra employee who said Sephiroth was "like a son" to him.
Lian Hua: The funny thing is that Slave unintentionally wrote him as a very shrewd and calculated business man who places little value on the lives of his employees and tries to bribe them into being obedient little servants. So not only did Sephiroth and Julia buy into his magnanimous, slightly naive facade, the author herself got tricked by her own creation! She thinks she wrote this nice, if idiotic character, when in fact she wrote a cunning man hiding under a mask of incompetence, ruling his empire with an iron fist. Sephiroth and Julia never see through his deception, they never realize that he has always had the power to stop most of the terrible things that happened to them...the experiments, slavery, abuse, being sent out to die in vain outside the gates... They were never aware that the President's stubborn failure to contain or get rid of Hojo resulted in the death of their son. Had they been able to entertain a thought for more than one minute and four seconds, they would have realized that Hojo is only half the problem.
They even get bribed by the President with a mansion and funeral expenses and the thought that it might be bribery or that the President has tolerated, approved and even funded the horrible things that happened to them never crosses their minds. But I'm digressing. Juliaverse!Sephiroth never showed signs of being aware that the President is responsible for so much pain in his life - I doubt he had a revelation on that topic after Nibelheim. He's just not smart or insightful enough of a character for this theory to be worth entertained.
Iscariot: This is it, guys. You've reached the end of Shinra SOLDIER.
Lian Hua: But not the end of this spork! We still have many goodies for you, including a timeline for both stories (which proves that the author has been intentionally misleading), an abridged version of Shinra SOLDIER (written by yours truly), a final spitefic and our conclusions. Stay tuned for the real fun part!
Iscariot: P.S: We are seriously thinking of giving you guys a medal.