I've decided I don't really want to work at VI anymore. So Prewa and I have been job hunting a bit. He found an ad that said $1800 a month, which sounded like a good deal to us. So he got an interview set up Tuesday.
Before we went, we dropped off the old microwave and my excessive crap off at Salvation Army. Then we picked up applications at AK Wildberry Products because they're hiring candy cooks, which sounds fun to us. At this point we had about 40 minutes before his interview, so we started looking for the place. We finally found it, tucked in a little door next to a cafe off Old Seward and 76th. We go in and follow the INTERVIEW signs into the bowels of the building and peek into an office, where a lady greets us and has us start filling out applications. At this point we had no idea what the job was, and we should have asked. While we were working on our applications, a girl came in. Apparently she'd been there before, as she started filliing out her application, realized this, and said a few things about how it was selling vacuums and it sucked ass. She left, and Prewa and I finished our applications anyway. While I was filling out mine, I noticed a poster on the wall about a traditional Polish festival in Krakow. I was going to make some joke about how Poland barely has a tradition because it barely ever exists. However, I realized this would be pretty darn unprofessional, so I didn't. Shortly after we were done, the lady came into the room, she watched us for a few minutes, and apparently she didn't figure out that I was done and that's why I wasn't bent, writing, I was looking at her. So finally I told her. Prewa finished shortly afterward, and she decided to "interview" us together. I couldn't believe her interview. It was so weird. She didn't even really look at our applications until about halfway thru the interview. It went something like this: She asks "have you ever heard of Kirby before?" I kinda nod, even tho the first time really was when the other chick said what it was. Prewa said yeah. She proceeded to tell us about the company, and then she looks at Prewa and says "you don't really seem to want to be here." So he tells her about his family's issues with their vacuum that they originally liked but ended up hating. This is the bit that cracks me up. She says that probably the salesperson didn't explain it right, there is a better way to do it that makes it easy. AND THEN SHE SAYS: "It's really quite simple." I came SOOOOOOOOO close to pointing out how little sense that made. It was just so ridiculous. Then she spent most of the rest of the time trying to sell us on the company. Which I found funny, since supposedly we're at the interview because we want the job. Which, of course, we didn't. Oh yes, before I forget... she finally looks at the applications and says "oh, I haven't even looked at these yet".... she glances over them and says to me "I notice here that you don't seem to have reliable transportation." My responses "I'm in the market, as it were".... which Prewa nearly laughed out loud at. She didn't catch the reference at all! It was a good thing I hadn't made any jokes about the Polish poster, because I'm pretty sure she was Polish. There was Pole stuff all over the room. She asked us if we were interested, and she only had 4 spots left, so she wanted to know right away. I told her "No thank you", and Prewa and I got out of there. We felt sooooooooooooo slimy, and spent the next 15 minutes or so comforting each other and trying to get the interview out of our minds.
Today we are dropping off job applications, picking up more, going Lego shopping, snack shopping, and then going to Dr. John's to watch Gamers. And then DnD! WOOT. Huzzah for Thursdays which are really Saturdays!