Nov 09, 2009 12:03
- 16:55 I literally feel like I'm dying. #
- 17:02 Must. Do. Homework. I want my mommy. #
- 20:11 We made dinner together and I ate my whole bowl like a big girl. #
- 06:41 It feels weird to be up early and on my way to class again. #
- 09:50 Oh, my God, my high school Hebrew teacher is on this bus and I am wearing a very short skirt. #
Nov 08, 2009 12:01
- 17:03 At Mike's sister's volleyball game. These girls are crazy competitive... and good! #
- 21:37 On our way home from the Islanders game. #
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Nov 07, 2009 12:01
- 12:25 @ sarahwilkes I MISS YOU!! Wish I could be there. #
- 21:19 Probably not seeing Mike from college tonight, but I'm pretty content with Mike from Brooklyn. #
- 01:51 Why am I not in bed yet? #
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Nov 05, 2009 12:02
- 15:16 I'm pretty sure the woman across from me on the train is wearing a Bumpit. She looks like a tacky moron. #
- 15:18 What did the pile of leaves say to the sanitation worker? Blow me. #
- 07:13 Who the eff blasts Eye of the Tiger at 7AM? #
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Oct 07, 2009 12:01
- 06:48 Mmm, cold leftover pizza for brekkie... Oh so healthy. #
- 07:45 It's a testament to my emotional instability that I need to listen to tL5Y every few days even though I hate Sherie Renee Scott. #
- 11:45 Mmm, overpriced campus coffee... I guess I really will pay anything for caffeine. #
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Oct 06, 2009 12:01
- 12:19 Whoops! Where did all these missed calls come from? #
- 14:07 I always think it's really cute whenever I see old people with cell phones they can barely use. #
- 15:10 Just sat around watching my old @youtube videos... and I'm mildly embarrassed by them. #
- 19:50 The woman sitting across from me on the train is really bugging me. She looks so
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Oct 05, 2009 12:01
- 16:19 Managed to avoid ex boss man. Getting ready to do my homework. It's crazy how I do that now. #
- 19:33 Sooo hungry. At least I got my work done. #
- 06:42 I have the strangest desire to make obscure pop culture references in my tweets today. #
- 06:43 For example: ah fuck, I can't believe I missed that D train because I was tweeting. #
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Oct 04, 2009 12:00
- 14:17 @ Sarahbadger we had an Oliver in camp. He was the difficult one. Cute, though. #
- 19:19 On my way to the Sidewalk Cafe for some wizard rock and social interaction. #
- 11:32 I am so excited to have lunch with my parents and their friends... Especially my former boss. #
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Oct 03, 2009 12:00
- 14:03 @ Sarahbadger mmm, pie! #
- 14:16 I'm in a bad mood and I want to set up my Blackberry but I can't because I don't have the password :( Grr. #
- 15:11 Tweeting from my new blackberry! What should I name it? #
- 17:29 I already hate my Blackberry. #
- 17:48 My Blackberry PIN is 31CDF3D7. Text me before you send me a request so I know who you are and
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