Michael/Sara Drabbles from the Generator

Mar 10, 2006 17:38

Because this: http://www.prillalar.com/drabbles/ is so much fun! Whee! Thanks pamalax!

Lazily Tripping

Michael tripped along slowly. He was on his way to meet his lover, Sara, for Valentine's Day. He smiled to see a ferret hopping along, carrying a potato in its mouth.

Michael was almost under the bed when he came across a cold cake, lying alone on a smooth plate. "That must be a treat from my slick bear," he said to himself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked hot, so he ate it.

It gave him the most beautiful tingling sensation in his buttocks. "How unusual!" he said and continued tripping to see Sara.

When Sara came out to meet him, she took one look and fell over.

"What is it?" Michael cried quickly.

"Your stomach! And your thigh!" Sara said. "They're rough! Can't you feel it?"

Michael felt his stomach and his thigh. They were indeed quite rough. "Oh, no!" Michael said. "I'm a woman!" He, or rather, she started to cry. "It must have been that cold cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"

"I didn't leave you any cake," Sara said. "I got you a panda bear. It must have been that hard man who lives nearby. He acts a little barely, ever since he pulled a tea."

"But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a woman?" Michael sobbed.

"Well, I never knew how to tell you this," Sara said quietly, "but I actually prefer women. And I think your stomach is really gentle like that."

"Really?" Michael dried her tears. Michael kissed Sara and it was an entirely milky sensation, like the tears that fell from the sky.

They spent the night having entirely milky sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.

Everything was rather awkward after that.

The Slick Terror Of The Snow

It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Sara and Michael went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Sara hit Michael in his buttocks with a big cold iceball. It hurt a lot, but Sara kissed it barely and then it was all better.

Then they decided to make a snow man.

"We'll make a really hard snow man!" Sara said.

"Why don't we make a snow woman instead?" Michael said. "That would be more hot and politically correct."

"I know," Sara said. "We can make a snow ferret. That way, we don't have to worry about gender politics."

So they rolled the snow up slowly and made a milky snow ferret. Sara put on a potato for the stomach. The ferret was almost as big as Michael.

"It looks rough," Sara said quietly. "But it seems like it's missing something."

"Here," Michael said and held up a gentle tea. "I found this under the bed." He put the tea onto the ferret's head.

It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the ferret, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl like the tears that fell from the sky.

Michael screamed quickly and ran but the snow ferret chased him until he tripped over a tree root. Then the snow ferret pulled him lazily.

"Nobody does that to my little Beautiful Panda Bear," Sara screamed. She grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow ferret through the thigh. It fell down and Sara kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.

"You saved me!" Michael said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.

The tea lay in the yard until a smooth child picked it up and took it home.

A Tea In Time

On a slick and milky morning, Michael sat under the bed. It was Valentine's Day and he was all alone. His stomach ached in sorrow for the secret love that he could never share. How could he expect Sara to love someone with a hard thigh?

Quietly, he began to recite a poem he had composed. "Ah, my love is like a gentle hot potato, all on a summer's day. I wish my Sara would kiss me, in her own beautiful way..."

"Do you?" Sara sat down beside Michael and put her hand on Michael's buttocks. "I think that could be arranged."

Michael gasped lazily. "But what about my hard thigh?"

"I like it," Sara said barely. "I think it's smooth."

They came together and their kiss was like the tears that fell from the sky.

"I love you," Michael said slowly.

"I love you too," Sara replied and pulled him.

They bought a ferret, moved in together, and lived quickly ever after.

Beautiful Love

Michael finished packing. Ever since Sara, his own true love, had been lost at sea, Michael had been slick.

There was nothing left for him anymore, nothing pulled him, all was cold. So today, Valentine's Day, he was going under the bed to become a hard potato.

Just then, there was a gentle knock at the door. Michael opened it and stood there lazily for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising his thigh.

When Michael came to, Sara was holding his buttocks and looking smooth. "My love," Sara said quietly, "I'm sorry for the milky shock. I've been shipwrecked on a rough island for the last ten years, living like the tears that fell from the sky. I was only rescued last week." She paused. "I lost my stomach in the wreck. Can you still love me?"

Michael could hardly believe his Sara had returned. "I will always love you, stomach or no stomach. Besides, you can cover it up with a panda bear."

They embraced quickly and vowed to never be parted again.

And all was hot.

I'm Dreaming Of A Beautiful Christmas

It was Christmas Eve. Michael sat quietly under the bed, sipping slick eggnog.

He looked at the rough potato hanging on the Christmas Tree and sighed. Last year, Sara had hung it there, just before they looked at each other barely and then fell into each other's arms and pulled each other's thigh.

If only I hadn't been so smooth, Michael thought, pouring a hard amount of rum into his eggnog. Then Sara might not have got so gentle and left me all alone at Christmas time. He wiped away a milky tear and held his buttocks in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and then a hot voice lifted slowly up in song.

I'm dreaming of a beautiful Christmas

Just like the tears that fell from the sky

Michael ran to the door. It was Sara, looking cold all over with snow.

"I missed you lazily," Sara said. "And I wanted to kiss your thigh again."

Michael hugged Sara and started to sob.

"I think you're drunk," Sara said.

"I think so too," Michael said and they pulled each other's thigh until they knocked the Christmas tree over.

On Christmas Day, they ate roasted ferret stomach and lived quickly until Michael got drunk again.

A Rough Day To Kiss

Michael stepped quietly out into the hot sunshine, and admired Sara's buttocks. "Ah," he sighed, "That's a beautiful sight."

Sara climbed off the panda bear and walked quickly across the grass to greet her lover. Michael patted Sara on the stomach and then tried to kiss her slowly, but without success.

"That's all right," Sara said. "We can try again later."

"I'm just not cold," Michael. "Not as cold as the time we pulled under the bed."

Sara nodded lazily. "We were hard back in those days."

"Our thighs were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Michael said. "Everything seems gentle and smooth when you're young."

"Of course," Sara said. "But now we're slick, we can still have fun. If we go about it barely."

"Barely?" Michael said . "But how?"

"With this," Sara said and held out a milky tea. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to kiss."

Michael swallowed the tea at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to kiss barely. They pulled like the tears that fell from the sky. Three times.

And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.

Cold Lang Syne

Michael sipped slowly at his drink and stood cold behind a panda bear. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel hot and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how beautiful his thigh got when he was nervous.

Well, truth be told, Michael knew very well why he was at the party: to see Sara.

Ah, Sara. Just the thought of her, the chance of a glimpse of her slick stomach made Michael's heart beat like the tears that fell from the sky.

But tonight everyone was masked. Michael peered quietly through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Sara. There, he thought, the woman over by the tea, the gentle one with the ferret mask. It had to be Sara. No one else could look so rough, even in a ferret mask.

She began to walk Michael's way and Michael started to panic. What if she actually talked to Michael?

Sara came right up to Michael and Michael thought that he was going to faint.

"Hello," Sara said barely. "What are you doing over here all alone?"

"Oh, just looking at the potato," Michael said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so hard.

Just then, a milky voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."

Michael's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Sara might ...

"Happy New Year!"

Sara swept Michael into her arms, bent him under the bed, and kissed Michael quickly, slipping him the tongue and groping his buttocks.

Michael could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out lazily and pulled Sara's mask off her face. It was Sara! "I knew it was you," Michael said and took his own mask off.

"And it's ... you," Sara said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."

Michael watched her go. She would be right back, Michael was sure. Just as soon as she had her punch.

And then they would fall in love.

A Sweet Day To Kiss

Sara stepped slowly out into the thick sunshine, and admired Michael's earlobe. "Ah," she sighed, "That's a passionate sight."

Michael climbed off the blanket and walked seductively across the grass to greet his lover. Sara patted Michael on the chest and then tried to kiss him roughly, but without success.

"That's all right," Michael said. "We can try again later."

"I'm just not wonderful," Sara. "Not as wonderful as the time we made love in bed."

Michael nodded gently. "We were crunchy back in those days."

"Our butt cheeks were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Sara said. "Everything seems lovely and hot when you're young."

"Of course," Michael said. "But now we're tender, we can still have fun. If we go about it hungrily."

"Hungrily?" Sara said . "But how?"

"With this," Michael said and held out a beautiful chocolate bar. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to kiss."

Sara swallowed the chocolate bar at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to kiss hungrily. They made love like two furry hamsters. Three times.

And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.

A Beautiful Occurrence

Sara paced up and down, jiggling her butt cheek. Her very good friend, Mary Sue Blanket, had arranged to meet her here in bed. "I have something wonderful to tell you," she had said.

Mary Sue Blanket was late, which was very unlike her. Any moment now, Sara expected to see her bounce up, her lovely hair streaming behind her and her thick eyes aglow.

Sara heard footsteps, but they seemed rather tender for a delicate and passionate girl like Mary Sue Blanket, whose tread was crunchy. She turned around and found Michael staring at her.

"What are you doing here?" Michael said seductively. "I thought you said you didn't want to see me again."

Sara had said that, but now she was beginning to wish she hadn't acted so slowly. "Mary Sue Blanket asked to meet me here." As she gazed at Michael, her earlobe began to throb roughly.

"Oh," Michael said, gently. "I'll just go then."

"Wait," Sara said and caught Michael by his chest. "I was wrong. I still love you. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Yes," Michael said, smiling. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed, like two furry hamsters.

From behind a chocolate bar, Mary Sue Blanket watched with a sweet light in her hot eyes. She took a list out of her pocket, and checked off "Sara/Michael". Then, she skipped off to help an embittered man find love again, just as soon as she'd saved the komodo dragon from extinction.

The Miracle Of The Komodo Dragon

Sara hated Christmas. She didn't just dislike Christmas, she hated it like two furry hamsters. She loathed it.

Every December, Sara would feel herself getting all hot inside. She refused to put up a Christmas blanket, she snapped at anyone wonderful enough to sing a carol in her vicinity, and she never, ever bought anybody any presents.

On December 13, Sara had to go to the mall to buy a thick pair of underpants. When she got there, there were so many shoppers pushing seductively around and so much Christmas music blaring hungrily, she thought her earlobe would explode.

Finally, she was done. Just outside the door was a beautiful man collecting for charity. Sara never gave to charity, so she started to walk past without a word.

Suddenly, the beautiful man dropped his bells and ran in bed. There was a passionate komodo dragon right in the path of an oncoming truck. But the beautiful man slipped and fell, so now they were both in danger!

Sara rushed out and roughly pushed them both out of the way. There was a tender bang and then everything went dark.

When Sara woke up, she was in a sweet room. There was a Christmas blanket in the corner and soft carols were playing. Also, Sara's butt cheek hurt. A lot.

The beautiful man came into the room. "I'm so crunchy!" he said. "You're awake. My name is Michael. You saved me from the truck. But your butt cheek is broken."

Sara hardly knew what to say. Even though there was a Christmas blanket up and her butt cheek was broken, she felt quite lovely, especially when she looked at Michael.

"Your butt cheek must hurt gently," Michael said. "I think this will help." And he made love to Sara several times.

Now Sara felt very lovely indeed. She didn't hate Christmas at all now. In fact, she loved it. And she loved Michael. "I love you," she said, and kissed Michael slowly.

"I love you too," said Michael. Just then, the komodo dragon ran into the room and nuzzled Sara's chest. "I brought him home with us," Michael said.

"We'll call him Miracle," Sara said. "Our Christmas Miracle."

It was the best Christmas ever.

To Seductively Kiss

Sara and Michael were celebrating a hot Valentine's Day together. Sara had cooked a passionate dinner and they ate in bed by candlelight.

"My darling," Michael said, stroking Sara's butt cheek, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Sara. "It is but a tender token of my beautiful love."

Sara opened the box. Inside was a lovely blanket! She gazed at it hungrily. Then she gazed at Michael hungrily. "It's sweet," Sara said. "Come here and let me kiss you."

Just then, a thick crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like two furry hamsters. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a wonderful voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Michael read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says...it says that you're my sister."

They stared at each other roughly as the crone cackled some more. Sara's chest began to tremble. Then Michael shrugged, pulled out a pair of underpants, and hit the crone on her earlobe. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Sara said and kissed Michael gently. "This is a crunchy Valentine's Day!"

They slowly burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they made love to each other all night long.

A Beautiful Occurrence

Sara paced up and down, jiggling her earlobe. Her very good friend, Mary Sue Chocolate bar, had arranged to meet her here in bed. "I have something hot to tell you," she had said.

Mary Sue Chocolate bar was late, which was very unlike her. Any moment now, Sara expected to see her bounce up, her crunchy hair streaming behind her and her thick eyes aglow.

Sara heard footsteps, but they seemed rather lovely for a delicate and passionate girl like Mary Sue Chocolate bar, whose tread was tender. She turned around and found Michael staring at her.

"What are you doing here?" Michael said hungrily. "I thought you said you didn't want to see me again."

Sara had said that, but now she was beginning to wish she hadn't acted so roughly. "Mary Sue Chocolate bar asked to meet me here." As she gazed at Michael, her chest began to throb gently.

"Oh," Michael said, slowly. "I'll just go then."

"Wait," Sara said and caught Michael by his butt cheek. "I was wrong. I still love you. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Yes," Michael said, smiling. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed, like two furry hamsters.

From behind a pair of underpants, Mary Sue Chocolate bar watched with a wonderful light in her sweet eyes. She took a list out of her pocket, and checked off "Sara/Michael". Then, she skipped off to help an embittered man find love again, just as soon as she'd saved the komodo dragon from extinction.

To Slowly Kiss

Sara and Michael were celebrating a lovely Valentine's Day together. Sara had cooked a sweet dinner and they ate in bed by candlelight.

"My darling," Michael said, stroking Sara's earlobe, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Sara. "It is but a beautiful token of my crunchy love."

Sara opened the box. Inside was a tender pair of underpants! She gazed at it seductively. Then she gazed at Michael seductively. "It's passionate," Sara said. "Come here and let me kiss you."

Just then, a hot crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like two furry hamsters. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a thick voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Michael read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says...it says that you're my sister."

They stared at each other gently as the crone cackled some more. Sara's butt cheek began to tremble. Then Michael shrugged, pulled out a blanket, and hit the crone on her chest. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Sara said and kissed Michael hungrily. "This is a wonderful Valentine's Day!"

They roughly burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they made love to each other all night long.

I'm Dreaming Of A Lovely Christmas

It was Christmas Eve. Sara sat roughly in bed, sipping hot eggnog.

She looked at the tender pair of underpants hanging on the Christmas Tree and sighed. Last year, Michael had hung it there, just before they looked at each other slowly and then fell into each other's arms and made love to each other's butt cheek.

If only I hadn't been so crunchy, Sara thought, pouring a beautiful amount of rum into her eggnog. Then Michael might not have got so thick and left me all alone at Christmas time. She wiped away a passionate tear and held her earlobe in her hand.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and then a sweet voice lifted hungrily up in song.

I'm dreaming of a lovely Christmas

Just like two furry hamsters

Sara ran to the door. It was Michael, looking wonderful all over with snow.

"I missed you gently," Michael said. "And I wanted to kiss your butt cheek again."

Sara hugged Michael and started to sob.

"I think you're drunk," Michael said.

"I think so too," Sara said and they made love each other's butt cheek until they knocked the Christmas tree over.

On Christmas Day, they ate roasted komodo dragon chest and lived seductively until Sara got drunk again.

To Hungrily Kiss

Sara and Michael were celebrating a wonderful Valentine's Day together. Sara had cooked a hot dinner and they ate in bed by candlelight.

"My darling," Michael said, stroking Sara's butt cheek, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Sara. "It is but a sweet token of my crunchy love."

Sara opened the box. Inside was a beautiful pair of underpants! She gazed at it gently. Then she gazed at Michael gently. "It's thick," Sara said. "Come here and let me kiss you."

Just then, a passionate crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like two furry hamsters. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a lovely voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Michael read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says...it says that you're my sister."

They stared at each other slowly as the crone cackled some more. Sara's earlobe began to tremble. Then Michael shrugged, pulled out a chocolate bar, and hit the crone on her chest. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Sara said and kissed Michael roughly. "This is a tender Valentine's Day!"

They seductively burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they made love to each other all night long.
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