According to article 10 of The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes the freedom to hold opinions, and to receive and impart information and ideas without any intervention from state structures.
I will speak about some examples of absence freedom of expression in Mordovia now. I quote criminal case materials № 14794 which was fabricating on me in 1998 year, a 8 years long, in the absence of crime structure. On criminal case pages 82-84 № 14794 there is a decision from August, 31st, 1998 about excitation of the petition for prolongation of term of preliminary investigation on criminal case № 14794 till 5 months, that is till November, 5th, 1998. The decision has been made by the chief of investigatory department Kochkurovsky ROVD. In the decision the illegal argument about performance of a crime by me has been specified, and the head of research department Kochkurovsky ROVD asks the public prosecutor of republic Mordovia to prolong the term of preliminary investigation on criminal case № 14794 for five months, so that to collect characterizing material and to bring charge to me. The public prosecutor of Republic Mordovia Senkin P.Е. has given the consent on September, 3rd, 1998 for illegal attraction me to a criminal liability also has prolonged preliminary investigation terms on criminal case № 14794. I will write for an example of the citation from this decision about prolongation of term of preliminary investigation so that it was clear why me so assiduously pursued on this criminal case. Here that public prosecutors and interrogators have counted illegal. Literally: "...together with Elaev I.A., together at entrances of 4 floor houses, scattered newspapers ..., so that inhabitants didn't vote for the head of Republic Merkushkin N..."
Really, whether it is possible to agitate against Merkushkin's election by the head of Mordovia?
We can see is interdiction for information distribution from political motives. And we can see that this criminal case is political case. However, it has been stopped concerning me in the absence of crime event only almost after 8 years. This is not judicial punishment with using unfairly long criminal prosecution. It has not turned out to fabricate criminal case, after that on me, when I was the registered candidate of the Legislative Assembly have suddenly attacked with gas cylinder, have done average harm to my health.
It has not turned out - attack by multiton car "KAMAZ", which belonging to the organization headed by the brother of the head of Mordovia by Merkushkin. It has not turned out - repetition of this attempt. And, if on me fabricated criminal case especially assiduously, on attacks on me at law-enforcement authorities the approach absolutely other.
So that to understand why such injustice in Mordovia it is enough to look at magazine "Finans" where the rating of the Russian billionaires for 2007 has been published. On 473 place the member of Council of directors and the co-owner of "Mordovtsement", the brother of the head of the Mordovia Aleksandr Merkushkin, which has of 2,4 billion Russian roubles or 90 ml. US dollars.
Finans: a rating of the Russian billionaires of 2007 (!!! on Russian language !!!).
After that at once it becomes clear that in Mordovia it is far to a freedom of expression. Out of favor citizens both pursued, and will pursue using for this everything, for example: attacks, multiton cars "KAMAZ", fabrication of criminal cases, refusal in granting of the qualified medical aid, false arrests, deprivation of the right to free elections, etc.
Absolutely naturally that more and more references from Mordovia come in to European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Quantity of references to Strasbourg - an indicator of cancellation of Human Rights by the authorities of Mordovia.
And in end about a freedom of expression in Mordovia. To me have called from the Republic Mordovia Ministry of Internal Affairs, and have caused in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for reception of explanations concerning my publications on the Internet. When I have come to the Republic Mordovia Ministry of Internal Affairs I have seen my article vised by a management of the Republic Mordovia Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was found out that the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has suddenly become interested in my publications.
Concerning my publications from me in the Ministry of Internal Affairs the explanation has been received.
Lawyer Elaev Ivan Aleksandrovich, Russia, phone: +79510538999, e-mail: