You need to fill out our 277 form in order to be granted access to Torchwood 3. At the moment we are under construction and the forms are not available. If you are not an employee of Torchwood or any of its subsets and stumbled across this website, we ask you to cease all attempts at contact or you will be met with extreme prejudice. Sorry for the inconvenience.
To submit a 277, please watch for the form at our support site, TW3_OOC. For more information please visit our information on our organization please visit our information page.
- C. J. Harkness
Comments 1
In response to your request to join torchwood3:
You need to fill out our 277 form in order to be granted access to Torchwood 3. At the moment we are under construction and the forms are not available. If you are not an employee of Torchwood or any of its subsets and stumbled across this website, we ask you to cease all attempts at contact or you will be met with extreme prejudice. Sorry for the inconvenience.
To submit a 277, please watch for the form at our support site, TW3_OOC. For more information please visit our information on our organization please visit our information page.
- C. J. Harkness
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