Title: Four Days, One Room
Fandom: House/Criminal Minds
Pairing: Eve Carter/Jennifer Jareau
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from House or Criminal Minds.
Rating: PG
Summary/Spoilers: An STD patient and rape victim copes with her turmoil through a special friendship she develops with a certain FBI agent. This is a retelling of the House episode ‘
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Comments 6
Can't wait for the next part!
I know this comment comes rather late, but I only now had the chance to start reading it.
Okay I like the story thus far, you did a great job bringing JJ into the mix. And I think Eve's reaction to someone else being hurt worse then she herself was (or differently hurt) is quite believable.
I'm looking forward to reading the next days!
Glad you're liking the story so far. Did you see the original "One Day, One Room" House episode? I got to say though, it gets pretty cluttered at Day Four B. I tried to format it properly, but Livejournal won't give me anymore space, so it ends up looking like a big block of text.
Let me know what you think once you're finished the story.
I try to read as much stories as possible, sadly I'm way behind, because I wasn't online much for almost 10 months.
I'll make sure to let you know what I think at the end of each day.
It always helps when the readers know well in advance who the lesser known character is.
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