{ FAQ }

Jan 18, 2009 09:05


1. What do you mean by Genderbending/Chibi's being allowed?
• Basically if you've already been accepted as a high school student or teacher you can also play that character as the opposite sex or as a child in one of the younger levels of schooling. This is to allow players a chance to play there character at different levels when they want, but still be expected to play their characters normally depending how they originally applied. Logs done with Chibi/Genderbended characters should be noted always and kept separate from the normal plot line. This also gives people a chance to act out past events that might've occurred.

2. Why is there a Holy Roman Empire on the list and not Chibitalia?
• Because it has not been proved that HRE is Germany I am giving people the option to play him as though he was alive still. The reason you can not apply for Chibitalia to match him is because technically Chibitalia grew up to be Northern Italy and thus it is redundant to have two North Italy’s. So if you were to apply as HRE you’d be playing him at an age where he would be similar age to Northern Italy and thus can play as though he were Chibitalia at times.

3. How do I apply for a teacher?
• When applying for a character it is defaulted that you will play as a student. This does not mean you can’t play as a teacher. In the cases of characters such as Germania and Rome it is almost expected that they’d be teachers of some sorts or at least played as though they were elder brothers than of Ludwig, Gilbert, Feliciano, and Lovino. If say Germania is a teacher and you want to apply for Rome as a student that is fine as well. It is good to run with the other players, but it is not necessary.

4. Why are there characters limits?
• There are character limits placed in to ensure everyone has a fair chance at applying for a canon character. This restriction may increase in the future depending on activity and request, but for now please stick to 1 Fanon and 2 Canon as maximum character limits. A third Canon is allowed, but only when the applier has no Fanon characters and it also depends on their activity.

5. I’m trying to join the communities with my regular journal and keep getting denied, why is this?
• When an application is accepted you are expected to join the communities with a journal used for the roleplay specifically (though it can be used at the APH Dressing Rooms as well). Any request from a journal that is not an accepted character journal will be denied. This includes
personal journals. This is both to keep the community posting organized and for monitoring who can and cannot post.

6. Do I have to fill out a class list or have my character’s join any clubs?
• No you don’t. Clubs and classes are optional parts. It is assumed that your character goes to class Monday through Friday with a schedule that can range from four classes to nine different classes. If you want to log out an event that occurred during a class than go right ahead, but it is not needed to fill out a class schedule for your character. The same applies to if you want your character to be part of any clubs/start clubs or join any sports teams.

7. What is the legal age for my character?
• Because we play off of the fact that each character is from around the world the universal age law will be 18. This means that if your characteris under 18 and caught drinking IC wise he or she can get into trouble still. Of course say you do a log during one of the holiday periods where your character and another hangs out in one of their home countries and that law is 16 for example than that is fine. But at Liberty Island the age law is 18.

8. Where can I find information on the school or the city/island?
• Please check the Information page for info on these things. There you should be able to find information on what resources are available at the school, uniform examples, and a brief description of what is available at in the City.

9. How do you make LJ-Cuts or change the text?
• To create a LJ-cut please use the following format:

Insert body here

• To make a strike out text use:
[insert word] or [insert word]

• To make a word bold use:
[insert word]

• To make a word italic use:
[insert word]

• To make a word underlined use:
[insert word]

• To make link to a LJ or Community use:

• [ If you have more html attributes to add to this section please post here or send them to the mod! I know there’s more, but these are the basics. ]

10. What is an Activity Check/AC?
• An Activity Check is a post that is held once a month to keep track
of people who are being active or not. All you have to do is reply to the post of the AC with the name of the character/s you play and that you are still active.

• If you miss one AC you are given a warning. If you miss two you are dropped from the roleplay automatically without warning.

• When given a warning you have a week to reply to the warning or else you are automatically dropped.

• AC’s will normally also contain extra stuff from the Mod asking for opinions on events or other things. You don’t need to answer anything except that you’re still there, but it is appreciated that you put in your input at any time!

11. What is a Roleplay Event?
• A roleplay event is a community wide event. This can range from a single log post for an activity like a ball or festival or it can be a post that can affect the school as a whole such as a storm, canceling of classes, etc.

• If you have an idea for a roleplay event please inform the mod! Ideas are always welcomed to help make the RPG better.

12. How does the Dorm situation work for my character?
• The dorm are split up depending on your grade. On the west wing of the school is where the ninth and tenth graders are located while the eleventh and twelfth are located on the east wing. Each room fits two students. For more information see here.

• Roommates are automatically assigned, but if you have preference please mention it in the Dorm Post so that the mod can take it into mind. This doesn’t mean that you’ll get your wish though.

13. Do I have to go through Hetalia_Rate before I apply?
• No you don’t. It helps to mention in the ‘other’ section that you were stamped a certain character, but it is not needed. Also, say you were stamped a character like Japan but want to apply for America, you can still apply for America. Your stamp at HR only helps if you’re applying for that character, but it is not the major factor in the applications.

14. What if my character doesn't have a canon human name?
• Certain characters already have names, some only firsts and some with both. In the case your character is lacking a name (whether first, last, both) than go ahead and create a new one for them.

15. What is a log?
• A log is basically a roleplay post. You would basically post on the community
with who/what/when/where/why and a brief third person/paragraph start to the roleplay.
Logs can be done on LJ (most common) or posted from MSN/AIM/Yahoo/IRC logs as well.
Please always make sure to label your logs correctly including any warnings or whether
it's IC or OOC.

+ If you have any other questions please contact the Mod!
+ If there is anything you wish to add this post please post here~

!q&a, !information, !players

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