Jan 25, 2004 19:21

1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed

1) When did you decide to join the Army, and what made that decision for you? And what will you be doing after Basic?

I've wanted to be part of the military since I was six. I was living in Mogadishu, Somalia at the time, and the person that I looked up to more than anyone (excluding my parents) was a young Marine assigned to the Embassy detatchment. His name was Sgt Jay Jennings. He was also one of my first Black role models (for those of you that know me, that IS of importance.) I was so enamored of this Marine that I said I wanted to be one. He was so impressed/amused that he gave me a camouflage cover (hat) embroidered with the title "Sgt Duncan" and a dress Marine belt for my sixth birthday. The cover was stolen shortly thereafter, but I still have that belt today, some 22 years later. When I became a teen, I rebelled, not just against my parents, but against myself. I renounced my desire to join the military. Eventually, I paid the price of lacking discipline and direction. After I left Nicole on 31July01, I quickly hit bottom. It forced me to reevaluate my life and what was important. Then 9/11 hit and suddenly we were at war. I finally decided to grow up and do something, give something back to my community and country. I really decided to join the Army when I met SSG Jennifer Garrett while I was working at the Sidelines on Windy Hill Rd. in Marietta. She helped rekindle the dream of a young boy that was lost to me. I'm not going to be a Marine, but I am going to be a Soldier. After OSUT (One Site Unit Training, Basic + Advanced Individual Training all at one time), I have no idea where I'm going to be stationed.

2) If you could own one piece of weaponry, what would that be? (gun or otherwise)

I would have to say I would want to own an M-2 Browning .50cal machine gun, and a lifetime supply of ammunition. Barring that, I would want an antique Tachi.

3) Where do you like to hike? If you had to recommend a good place to hike in the greater Atlanta area, where would that be?

I like to hike anywhere where it's nice to hike. blueingenue is really the one who plans the hikes, she might be the better person to ask about where to hike in the ATL area.

4) What are your political leanings, and how do you personally view the anti-war effort?

I am fiercely independant. I refuse to be pigeonholed by someone else's dogmatic fuckups. Hmm, the anti-war effort. They are guaranteed the right to protest the war, and any other policy decision that this or any other administration makes. I will defend TO THE DEATH their right to say what they feel is necessary. However, I will NOT tolerate ANYONE making the soldiers feel like anything less than heroes. As soldiers, we are not afforded the right to disagree with administration policy. We follow orders, we do our job, a job that we willingly accepted. As long as they don't physically interfere with the war effort (i.e. messing with supply lines and stuff like that) I got no problem with them. They, like the soldiers are doing something so American that it's almost sacred. War and protest are at the core of the foundation that this nation were built on. Let them protest, they're exercising their rights, just don't fuck with the Police or Soldiers and I'll leave them to protest.

5) Looks like I'm going to be coming down with stuff for kittybecca next weekend. Y'all wanna hang out? ;)


5) What day is your

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