This sticky post is the list of all my fics, gathered in one place. Beneath the cut are links to all of the fics that I post on this journal along with pairing info, ratings and summaries. It will be updated as I post more fics.
Thanks for reading!
BREAD AND CIRCUSES (coming soon... ish)
Fandom: Marvel (Hunger Games AU)
Pairing: Tony/Loki
Rating: PG-13 (but it doesn't feel right if I do Tony's POV without profanity, so expect more swearing than you'd hear from dear Katniss)
Summary: When Tony Stark from District 3 three hears the name Harold Hogan called at the Reaping he volunteers to save the twelve-year-old friend he calls Happy without thought. But as one of the tributes who is not trained for combat Tony's situation feels hopeless. Once in the Capitol, however, Tony meets Loki, the silvertongued tribute from District 1, and things start to feel like they may not be entirely bleak afterall.
ALONE AND FREEFandom: Frozen
Rating: PG-13 (on the safe side, warnings with the fic)
Summary: A Westerguaard isn't afraid of anything. Except for Hans. Hans Westerguaard is a little afraid of everything.