[Video feed clicks on to scan over what looks like what used to be an empty bedroom - given the view out the window, probably on the second story - which appears to have a forest blocking quite a bit of light. An overhead light clicks on and no, it's not trees. It's stacks of books. Not shelves of books. Stacks. Some of them are perfectly
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Comments 49
Er... I think so? I should be able to wriggle out all right. I hope I didn't damage any of the books. I hadn't gotten a chance to read all of them yet.
Well... sort of? I mean, this has happened before, of course, and in a much greater volume, so this isn't nearly so bad! I made a sort of escape plan... no, that's not it. Um... Not exactly an emergency evacuation procedure, but a list of actions to take in order to extricate myself? It's kind of an escape plan I suppose...
I'm all right, I promise. A little bruised, perhaps, but just fine otherwise. Sorry about the noise.
Some are even in English!
Oh, really? That would be wonderful, thank you! Of course, I haven't learned your language, I'm afraid, so I'll have to stick with the ones in English, but that is very kind of you, thank you!
You can borrow any ones you like, it's not like I read them very often anyway! I'll see if I can't send Sealand over with them.
I love books. They're rather a passion of mine. The smell of them, the feel of them, the different bindings, all that knowledge! It's such a marvelous feeling to hold a book in your hand and know that you're holding something so precious. To both the author and the reader! And it must have meant something to the people of the time, or they wouldn't have published it! I take care of them, and revisit them... They're like old friends, but dearer. Selling them would be... a breaking of trust! Here they'll be respected and loved and well looked after. If I sell them, they'll go to who knows where and most likely be mishandled or damaged... I'll lend them to people, if they'd like to read them, but I couldn't bear to sell them.
Is it... awfully busy, on a ship? I've really only been on one, before, and it was a starship, so I'm not certain if it counts.
What do you need a carpenter for?
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