I have enjoyed a flirtation with facebook, but it doesn't let me say as much as I'd like to say. I think I'm just a long-winded writer, and Facebook is not conducive to that. So even though Facebook is all "all ur data is belong to us" and LJ is "hay ur dudes can pingback ur private stuff" or something, I have returned.
I have also returned from Geek Kon. We had a good time there. I went down with a woman who makes lovely dragon plushies -- in her van called Beauty. This van is huge, and has a queen-sized bed in the back of it. So for the first time in a long time, I am not totally wiped out by the return trip.
We left at about 6:30, and arrived at about 11:30 with some stops along the way. Then I bought a badge from the dragon-maker, since she had an extra. I saved $5! Rockin'. I couldn't decide what to write on my badge, so I asked my accomplice to write me a name. She came up with SPACE CADET, which is a bit more appropriate than I'd like. (For Artist's Alley, they gave you a little star sticker, so my final name was "SPACE[shinystarsticker]CADET". Then I had to come up with a name for her. My first thought was "AWESOME", which is what she is, but it's not a good badge name. So I added on "like the sound system".) We set up the Artist's Alley tables for Dreamstitcher and the dragon lady, then "AWESOME like the sound system" and I took over the bathroom to change into our Odin Sphere outfits.
Unfortunately we neglected to obtain pictures, and it was so early that no one took pictures of us, but I can assure you that "Alts" looked fabulous as Velvet, and I looked... well, I doubt I'll ever be completely happy with the way I look in anything. Gwendolyn, as usual, needs repairs.
Then we went to the ballroom dance panel! We learned various English Country dances, then some waltzing. I partnered with an older gentleman, and we had a lovely time. But apparently all the ballroom classes have been bad for me, because all the time I was thinking "this is NOT how I'd teach this class..." and I'm not even very good at waltz! But the panel ended early, and I was able to badger the guy running it into teaching me some tricks. I got to lead AWESOME around like the manly man I totally am inside.
I had to change out of all of the complicated armor and wings for the dance panel, and by the time it was over I was in no mood to put all of that stuff back on! Plus the other half of our party had arrived -- the half with all of our Masquerade costumes. So we hauled everything up to the hotel room and it was time to change for the formal ball. I wore a pretty blue outfit with a jacket and a bum roll... think steampunk, except without all the steampunk. I guess what I mean is steampunk-era, whenever that is.
The masquerade ball was not as well run as I'd like. They couldn't create mood lighting, and they had a limited amount of songs, and the music was much too quiet. Eventually they mostly gave up on the ballroom type dance and went to requests. We left...
...and went to the hotel room to start working on the costumes. I made the base of my peacock collar, and then went to sleep. Others were working late into the night... not that I noticed, because I had earplugs. Best things ever for a convention.
The next morning AWESOME and I got into our matching Soul Eater outfits, and some guy took a picture of us! First picture of the weekend, and it was a saturday. Strange. Then we hit up the Soul Eater panel, and they were very impressed. We even pulled out a few in-character exchanges. The panel was not super-exciting, though, (I have yet to attend a good panel anywhere except CostumeCon) so we left after about 15 minutes for lunch.
After lunch we sewed. EVER AFTER was going to happen even if we had to die to do it. I put feathers and buttons into the collar, and put grommets into sleeves, and put hooks into things, while Dreamstitcher worked on her outfit, AWESOME sewed trim onto Cinderella, Jacqueline worked on her dress, and Prince Charming made himself useful.
We didn't finish, and we only left ourselves a short time to be dressed. And we totally weren't ready when it was time to come down. Prince Charming was without his coat, AWESOME was without her dress (and we never did get the closures in), I was without my sleeves and shoes, and the Dreamstitcher never finished her sleeves. Judging was running late, so we desperately tried to get more dressed while waiting in the hall. They weren't running late enough, though -- we were so unprepared when they were ready for us.
Fortunately they agreed to judge us in the green room. I had to sew AWESOME into her dress, while the Dreamstitcher taped peacock feathers to my forehead. Then Prince Charming had to help me with my sleeves... oh, it was stressful. Then the sound cues weren't right, so it was so quiet we couldn't hear anything!
But we came out of it with Best Master, which is OK.
I talked to some fun people, then went upstairs to bed. And we left in the morning. I guess it was an OK time... but stressful. But I got to doze in a bed on the way back too... except when I was driving. That van is fun to drive -- it has an awesome engine. If you aren't paying attention, you're going 80! But I didn't roll it or light it on fire or crash, so that was a success.