I have been window shopping CNC stuff.
After looking at on line reviews it seems the carvewright system is still fragile, even with the new upgrades.
The positive reviews stated that you need to clean and lube it between every use and build a dust collection system to keep the sawdust from building up. For a woodworking tool that seems like a real liability. If it is so prone to dust problems should it not have a dust collection system built in, or at least as an optional upgrade? It should not be something you have to kit bash. :/
The final consensus? "Buy a shopbot".
I will defiantly take this to heart. I learned my lesson with my MaxNC. Cheaper will not save you money in the long run.
Go with what is used in industry so you can count on it to work every time.
Poe and I talked about it and decided that our next device should be an additive process.
Which has me eying the makerbot new thing-o-matic.
The new print head is supposed to fix a lot of the issues. And the new axis sytem is supposed to make it much more accurate.
But the software is a bit confusing and it still needs a lot of tweaking to get right.
Something to think about.
But first I want to get my MaxNC Tricked out.
There is some issue about the spindle motor.
I need a new one. I want the new brush less one, less shop noise, less RF static and higher torque (can carve aluminum)
But there is some confusion on weather or not I can use it. I need to get that worked out.
If I can not upgrade the spindle motor I will begin looking into replacing the MaxNC. It's limitations are becoming a issues now that newer systems are out there.
If MaxNC offered a exchange/upgrade program I would jump on that in a heartbeat.
Otherwise I am eying the roland and littlemachineshop CNC mills.
Of course I need things to print.
I need to update my software. Maybe even take a 3D design class. Or at least spend a few weeks going through tutorials.
I need some original designs. Stuff that is mine that I can put out there. Not that I would exspect to make any money. But it would be nice if I could make my hobby pay for some of itself. At least cover materials.
I do like the idea of a CNC router though. Use it for making boxes and Doll furniture.
If I came up with a good design I could put them up on etsy or something.
I have the idea of doing doll coffins, combining my love of boxes and creepy stuff. ;)
Stuff to think about.
I need to get the Garage finished and the roof taken care of before I can seriously consider getting any new equipment.