3 Names you go by:
-Pixy -Tiny -Christy
3 Screen names you have had:
-sunnyday0032 -lUv4Rlife -liCkerish_mOxie
3 Physical things you like about yourself:
-my smile -my ears -my red highlights (damn the Cali sun for stealing them!)
3 Physical things you don't like about yourself:
-my wussy girly muscles -my age -my assorted types of jello ;)
3 Parts of your heritage:
-creativity -love of words(mom) -love of music (dad)
3 Things that scare you:
-cold pool water in the morning -rattle snakes -being alone -the dark -heights
(you name it!)
3 Of your everyday essentials:
-stretching out my toes in the morning -good friends/family -fresh air
3 Things you are wearing right now:
-a mischevious smile -toe nail polish -cat ears ;)
3 Favorite bands/ musical artists:
-Jeremy Camp -my man, aka LOUIS ARMSTRONG -The Cure! -Bo Bice!-> Go Bo!!! :)
3 Favorite Songs:
-Baby It's Cold Outside -Summertime -Bomba :)
3 Things you want in a relationship:
-love -laughter -a bestfriend -stamina
2 truths and a lie:
-I love life -I am doing my first ever tri this year -I am totally organized
3 Physical things you find attractive in the opposite sex:
-chivalry -energy/activeness -a killer smile -beautiful laughter
3 Favorite hobbies:
-swimming -writting -hashing (running trail) -finger painting -challenging myself
3 Things you want to do really badly right now:
-start from SCRATCH!! -have a whole new career -make a difference in the world!
On a smaller scale...
-move to San Diego -see my family and HUG the heck out of them -party w/ my sis/bro
3 Careers you are/have considered:
-teaching -counseling -writting
3 Places you would like to visit on vacation:
-Brazil -Peru -Tuscany -Africa
3 Kids names that you like:
-Brittney -Sarah -Tommy (my favorite batch of chillun!)
3 Things that you would like to do before you die:
-fill the lives of those I know with laughter and love
-improve upon peoples lives and benefit society
-stand on my own principals
3 Ways that you are stereotypically a boy:
-I like to get dirty! -I like to play hard! -I love the outdoors!
3 Ways that you are stereotypically a chick:
-I like to get clean (bubble baths :)) -I love anything that glitters -I love cat ears
3 Celeb crushes:
Are a waist of time.
3 People that you would like to take this quize now:
Majik, my seester, frankie (hmmm... only one of those has live journal, lol!)