*One Thought Of You Is All It Takes To Leave The World Behind*

Oct 25, 2004 21:51

School was pretty good today. It feels kinda weird having a girlfriend that goes to your school! *lol* I asked Jenny Warren out last friday night at the Homecoming Game. She's my first girlfriend at Ed White since Nicole last year. Speaking of Nicole...One year ago today I asked her out at the Homecoming Dance!! She reminded me like..2 days ago. * ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

emocola517 October 25 2004, 19:38:10 UTC
you get to see tbs? urgh! im super jealous.. well have fun! and good luck with that girl.

how did we become lj friends anyway? lol.. i mean its cool but interesting. ooh yah didnt you just find me by common interests or something of sorts? mmkay well later.

<3 kristin


licking_a_lemon October 26 2004, 11:38:11 UTC
Yeah...that's how I found you. *lol* I thought you seemed cool to talk to. You should IM me sometime if you have AOL. It'd be nice to talk to you
Stephen xoxo


darkosprincess October 25 2004, 20:31:03 UTC
have fun at the tbs show luckkkky.

congrats on the new girl friend! <3
rooney rocks btw.


soulsrebellion October 27 2004, 06:46:52 UTC
have all your other girlfriends gone to different schools? geeze. lol.

My friend Steven whos sitting next to me and says that he doesnt do girls says hi.

o0o i g2g but happy aniversary lol.

lots of love


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