Hey! I've been reading Equilibrium over at ff.net, and you've completely and utterly sold me on the pairing. Never would have thought up Sideswipe/Mirage, never would have read it before, but it works, and it's awesome! I've been following and reviewing pretty much from the get-go (I'm Sunstreaker at ff.net, woot for the awful unoriginal pen name) and I've been wondering: What up wit da lack a' updates? *cough* Um, heh. In other words, has real life gotten in the way, because we haven't seen a new chapter in a while now? Okay...it hasn't been a very long while, but you've gotten me addicted now and I need my fix
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Hey thanks reading, reviewing, friending, ect! But yeah, real life, in addition to a bit of writer's block, has kept me from updating. But I hope to buckle down and write some tonight.
In response to the ff100 thing...Getting my claim accepted didn't take that long, about a week or so maybe. To pass the time, I just worked on my prompts so I had stuff to post when it did get accepted. And if you think waiting for your claim is bad, waiting for your tag to be added is worse :X
Comments 2
In response to the ff100 thing...Getting my claim accepted didn't take that long, about a week or so maybe. To pass the time, I just worked on my prompts so I had stuff to post when it did get accepted. And if you think waiting for your claim is bad, waiting for your tag to be added is worse :X
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