it's AAALLLL about pickin' your battles, people. i've come to the realization that if there's something (that may or may not seem fairly important) that i don't HAVE to care about...or doesn't really benefit, apply to, or even hurt me in any way....then i am NOT gonna care about it. LoL. i dunno, i have this problem...i always need to fix things. why? why?? why do i feel i always need to do that? even if it's not my problem!!! honestly, what's wrong w/ me?
so yeah...pickin' your battles...not to metion dealing w/ your own problems...learning how to take care of your own shit...THAT'S the way to go, man. i mean, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose...but you can't pick your friends nose, that's THEIR friggin' problem. LoL.
okay, i know i'm not making much sense...but no worries. i'm just trying to deprogram myself. ;)
hey, was anyone else up today at 6 a.m.? It would seem that the "stupid marine layer" has come back to haunt us, girls. damn.