I might soon have employment at the Hay-Adams Hotel in D.C. for those of you unfamiliar, check it: http://www.hayadams.com/ And think, just a block away from the World Bank and the White House. Mwahaha! (Hopefully, I will get the position!)
The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while. (Um, anyone who wants to do this is tagged
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My dad, my mom, and I were driving on S I-95 on HOV tonight. HOV is three or more people. On the HOV shoulder, some cop had someone pulled over. They were in a very obvious 2-seater sports car. Seriously?! How stupid can you be...
I'll be at AUSA this weekend. Other than Friday night, I should be pretty free the rest of the weekend. Anybody want to meet up, even if only for a minute, call my cell phone. If you need my cell phone #, reply. Jyakajan! <3s Kami
I think it would be the coolest thing in the world if an Anime convention could get the Ulfuls as guests. I love those guys hardcore. (If you don't know them, Wiki or YouTube them)