Good discussion on English usage online

Aug 10, 2011 21:29

If you aren't an English native speaker, but write in English, or if you are an English speaker, but interested in issues and problems associated with the fact that English usage is so prevalent on sites like LJ and DW even among people who don't have it as a first language...

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Comments 3

lindahoyland August 11 2011, 03:55:15 UTC
I always feel in awe of the wonderful English skills the none native speakers have. My beta reader is German and better at English grammar than I am, for example.


lady_angelina August 11 2011, 04:19:33 UTC
This so much! Many of my friends aren't native English speakers, and were it not for their mentioning what their native languages were, I honestly never would have guessed.


coolmon May 2 2012, 19:56:51 UTC
I attended college in the late 1990's with a young lady from Taiwan, who spoke good English. It takes courage to travel to a different country and learn the language.


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