OOC: Luceti Info

Feb 01, 2009 07:36


Name: arei
Livejournal Username: areisaama


Name: Inoue Orihime
Fandom: BLEACH
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Time Period: Right after Ishida enters the area where Ichigo and Ulquiorra are fighting.
Wing Color: White
History: http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Orihime_Inoue
During Orihime’s childhood her parents were abusive to herself and her older brother, Sora. Sora was unable to allow this to continue any longer so he took Orihime away from their parents and cared for her himself. It was a tough but happy life for the two of them. As things often go they had a fight and before Orihime knew it her brother had died, leaving her alone. From that day forward she wore the hairclips that he’d given her, the very hairclips that had caused the silly spat and she let her hair grow out, despite the teasing of her classmates.

Not long after the start of the series Orihime is attacked by a Hollow that turned out to be her brother. Ichigo saved her and her brother, allowing them to say goodbye to each other before Sora was able to pass on to the after life. Not long after Orihime discovered that she had a power growing within her, stored away in the hairclips her brother had given her. She could call forth the ShunShun Rikka (literally “six flowers of the shielded hibiscus” ), the ShunShun Rikka are six fairies which give her the abilities to create shield to protect herself and others, heal others, and attack the enemy. Although she more of a defensive player than offensive as Tsubaki (the attacking fairy) isn’t that strong. Using this power she saved herself, Tatsuki and Chizuru from an attacking Hollow.

Eventually Rukia was taken back to Soul Society and imprisoned. She was one of the few people that realized Rukia was missing the next day at school. So she decided she wanted to help out her new friend and Ichigo. She trained hard and made her way into Soul Society where they uncovered a plot to destroy the place. They saved Rukia and returned home.

As more of the plot was unveiled it was discovered that those that had betrayed Soul Society were building an army to go back and destroy it so Aizen could become the king of heaven. Orihime felt bad because she hadn’t been much help to Ichigo and hadn’t been able to cheery him up lately so she decided she would train harder so she could fight as well. But unfortunately Tsubaki had been destroyed and she could not repair him. With the help of Hachigen, who has similar powers to Orihime and was able to restore Tsubaki, Orihime was once again able to fight. Although he told her it would be best for not to.

She returned to Soul Society with Rukia after that and trained hard. It was mainly to keep her out of Aizen’s hands since he had learned of her abilities. When she was making her return trip to Karakura her escorts were killed and Ulquiorra told her to come with him. He gave her some time to say goodbye to one person before he would return for her. Orihime left a note to the Shinigami that had been staying with her and went to say goodbye to Ichigo, despite the fact he was unconscious from his fight against Grimmjow.

When she arrived in Hueco Mundo Aizen told her the truth about her ablities. How she could negate and restore lost time. That she wasn’t really healing people but turning back what had happened to them. He told her that she had the power to step into God’s territory and that she could be a great asset to him. Given no other choice Orihime stayed.

Before leaving Hueco Mundo to take on Soul Society Aizen claimed he had no use for Orihime anymore.

Ichigo and the other’s eventually made their way into Hueco Mundo and after many trials Ichigo was reunited with Orihime, but Ulquiorra was stepped up to finish his fight with Ichigo while Orihime watched. But after a while she couldn’t watch for much longer and used her shielding ability to protect Ichigo. Ulquiorra asked her why she was interfering now after having watched for so long but before she could give a proper answer the fight resumed. During which Loly and Menoly snuck up behind Orihime and attacked her before Loly wanted revenge. Stating that she would tear everything from Orihime that had been torn from them. Ichigo tried to rush them to save his friend but the Espada stopped him.

Suddenly Yammi burst through the floor, scattering the three girls. He promptly took care of the sisters and started after Orihime. Before he could lay a hand on her Ishida appeared and took him down (as far anyone knows right now).

Orihime is well best described as positive, klutzy, ditzy and um…creative. If you can call her food concoctions creative. She often daydreams of the strangest things, such as robots and other scifi things. Despite her ditzy nature she comes in second on in her class (just behind Ishida) she simply lacks common sense. She is very kind and always there to help if needed.

Early on in the series Orihime is shown as the typical damsel in distress, but once she gains her abilities she proves to be a great asset to Ichigo’s team. As time passes she becomes less of that klutzy and ditzy girl and proves to be deeper than that. Showing her insecurities about her abilities and her feelings for Ichigo. The fact that she isn’t much use in battle upsets her.

She is willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of her friend’s lives and only wants to help protect those she cares about.

Strengths: Orihime is kind hearted, thoughtful and always looking out for her friends. She is books smart (given that she is second in her class) and has an amazing imagination (all the daydreams she has). She isn’t much of a fighter but she’s a healer and protects her friends when needed. She even cares for those that are her enemies, healing Loly and Menoly after Grimmjow defeated both of them (despite the fact that they had both of them had just beat her).

Weaknesses: Orihime can be perhaps too trusting and lacks commons sense most of the time. Her love for her friends could be seen to the point of being sacrificial is a great trait to have but can also be bad for her, such as handing herself over to Aizen to save her friends lives. Her feelings for Ichigo could easily be used against her should anyone know about them. She has a habit of rushing into things before thinking. She feels inadequate because she isn’t much of a fighter.

info, ooc

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