Rose might have her mother's brains, but she's got her father's spirit and her grandmother's temper. Always a bit of a tomboy (Ron tried to blame it on all the time she spent with James and Albus growing up), Rose has never been interested in girly things. Never one for dresses or hair clips or makeup or perfumes, for diaries or dress-up.
She'd been a fan of Quidditch from a young age, even before she could properly say it, much to her mother's dismay and her father's delight. When she was old enough, Ron used to engage her in debates on the sport and watch the games with her - even taking her to a few live matches when Hermione would let him.
When Hugo came along, Ron was hoping for more of the same, but was sadly disappointed. Hugo inherited not only his mother's brains, but her love of books.
Ron is not at all displeased by Rose's lack of interest in boys and dating; as far as he's concerned, the longer she's off boys, the better.