Info dump!

Dec 23, 2008 17:25

This post will get bigger as I collect more stuff that I want to reference quickly, but for now it contains the following:

-Liet's Hetalia profiles. Links provided to references made in the profiles, as well.
-Important historical dates.
-Liet's anthem. Also, lyrics, the Soviet anthem, and bonus pronunciation guide to Liet's nickname.
-Lithuanian food. Links to info and recipes.
-Maps of the three partitions of Poland. What got taken, and by whom.
-Links to relevant articles.

Liet's profile, not translated by me:

All links added by yours truly for the sake of reference.

Nation's name: Lietuvos Respublilka (Republic of Lithuania. Poland calls him "リト," which is "Liet.")
Capital: Vilnius
Language: Lithuanian
Birthday (Independence from Soviet Union): February 16th
National flower: Rue (personal note: its flower language is "regret")

Human name: Toris Laurinaitis
Height: Unknown
Age: 19 (appearance. The nation will celebrate the millennium in 2009)

Exists as the eldest brother of the three Baltic states,

もともとチュートン騎士団の一員 だったがキリスト教に反発しリアニア大公国として独立、
used to be a member of the Teutonic Knights, but established independence as the Kingdom of Lithuania after a rebellion against Christianity

but was often pursued by German knights hoping to convert them into Christianity. (Note: Lithuania was the last pagan nation of Europe)

その後ポーランドとの連合王国化で 平和的にキリスト教化。
After that, became a commonwealth with Poland and peacefully converted to Christianity.

But was taken over by Russia after a fight over the annexation/partition of Poland.

A good-natured person who likes to take care of people, and even though he has the Baltic attribute of being introverted, is the type who will take one into his heart when he gets used to that person.

ただこういった気を使う性格のせ いか自殺率世界一という実に不名誉な称号を持っている。
But, perhaps it is because of this sort of personality that he holds the infamous record of having the highest suicide rate of the world.

あと格闘技とか文学とか大好き。それと車は絶対中古車。味にはうるさくケチャップやマヨネーズは色 んなフレーバーが売ってて日によって使い分けてたりする
Loves martial arts and literature. Also, his car is definitely a second-hand car. Is particular about taste, and is known to use many flavours of ketchup and mayonnaise in a day.


Liet's mini-profile, translated by me:



Poland’s companion.


His partner has a “show-off” kind of feeling, but he sort of enjoys that, too.


His personality is diligent and very patient, but he thinks too much, and his stomach often troubles him when he feels down. He makes strange theme parks, maybe because something awakened (in him) during the Soviet era.


Currently, he is in the middle of rehabilitating with Poland, who suggested that they somehow rid themselves of their dependence on Russia.


Important dates:

Lithuania mentioned- February 14, 1009
Statehood- July 6, 1253
Personal union with Poland- February 2, 1386
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth declared- 1569
Russian/Prussian occupation- 1795
Independence declared- February 16, 1918
1st Soviet occupation- June 15, 1940
2nd Soviet occupation- 1944
Independence restored- March 11, 1990


Liet's anthem:

Note! The first word provides helpful pronunciation guide for the proper way to say Poland's nickname for Lithuania. It is much easier to hear in the second and third versions.

His current one.

A pretty a capella version.

The lyrics in Lithuanian:

And English:

Lithuania, my homeland, land of heroes!
Let your sons draw strength from the past.
Let your chidren follow only the path of virtue,
working for the good of their native land and for all mankind.

Let the sun banish all darkness from Lithuania,
with light and truth always guiding our steps.
Let the love of Lithuania burn in our hearts
And for the sake of our country, let unity blossom.

His anthem while under Soviet rule.

Wiki has the lyrics.


Lithuanian food:

Overview with recipes.


Maps of the territory taken in the Three Partitions of Poland:

In the worst colors ever conceived for a political map. If anyone can find a better one, let me know?

Here it is!


Relevant news articles:

Confronting the Russian bear: the Soviet response to stirrings of freedom in the Baltic nations

The Ketchup Incident.

Lithuania's Energy Anxieties

Lithuania's Suicide Epidemic. More on the problem.


More will come~!

maps, anthem, profiles, history, condiments, important dates, info dump

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