I once parked under a small tree, and when I came back a couple of hours later a whole flock of birds had settled in the tree and buried my poor car in guano. So I ran it through a carwash.
So, I have enough sense to wash poo off as well. Can I be President?
Sure, why not? You not only managed that, you're infinitely more entertaining, and too smart to tell stories like that in public. I think that would make you the front runner!
The only person I hate as much as I hate George Bush is Mitt Romney. God help us if he becomes president. He'll force women to quit their jobs and wear burkas, as detailed in the book of Mormon.
Oh, I know; he's not only a loathsome human being, he's a pretty scary prospect for leading the country. On the bright side, he keeps doing shit like THIS, which does not bode well for his prospects (and my husband pointed out that in places which are not New England, this is the first thing a lot of people have heard about him besides the Mormonism!).
You know, I thought some of the people in my area were cruel for carrying their dogs in the backs of their pickup trucks without even using a safety harness to prevent the dogs from becoming airborne in a sudden stop. But this is just beyond the pale! I am truly horrified!
Comments 29
I once parked under a small tree, and when I came back a couple of hours later a whole flock of birds had settled in the tree and buried my poor car in guano. So I ran it through a carwash.
So, I have enough sense to wash poo off as well. Can I be President?
He's such a douchebag. I don't even want to think about him.
He really is a douche. Sorry for making you think about him. :(
I know I would have been! Can you imagine being put in a little box and tied to a roof?
Speeds on the 401 go up to almost 90 mph easily.
Animals don’t foul their crates unless they are super stressed =(
According to some articles, those people with the pickup dogs are also in violation of Massachusetts law; your opinion is not unjustified, I think.
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