Title: Can You Paint With All the Colors of the Jizz?
Author: lieutenant_nona
Pairings: um, pre-Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 208
Prompt: Spock’s jizz is purple, but other Vulcans jizz is blue.
Notes: Un-beta'd. Crack, just, crack.
“Won’er wha’ color Spock’s jizz is. . .”
“’S purple.”
Kirk pushed himself up with his elbows to stare at his best friend sprawled across the couch. “Purple?” he asked. “’N how d’you know tha’ it’s purple, Bonesy?”
McCoy rolled onto his side with a growl as he stretched his arm out to the coffee table, searching for the bottle of bourbon. “’Cuz, I’mma doctor tha’s why Jimbo.”
He grinned lopsidedly as he found the bottle and tossed back the last few dregs of the amber liquid as Jim Kirk chuckled at him.
“Tha’s not enough of ‘n answer Boooones.” The captain needled in a sing song voice.
Bones snarled at him and gave him the middle finger as he flopped back on the couch. “Foun’ out while runnin’ test when we go’ back to Earth. ‘S a abna-ango-abnormality in his bio ‘cause a his hybrid DNA.”
“. . . abnormality?” Jim asked curiously.
“Yes’m, full blooded Vulcans jizz’s blue.” Leonard replied with a nod.
“Yup, s’wha I said.”
Jim reached for the second bottle on the table, only to find it empty. He stared at it completely bewildered for a moment. “. . .Hey Bonesy?”
“Yea, Jim?”
“We’re comple’ly drunk off our ass aren’ we?”