Title: All along I believed(I would find you)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Character(s): Max/Magda
Warnings: None
Summary: Neither of them could have know that a necklace would save their lives.
Neither of them could have know that a necklace would save their lives.
It was a simple thing really, the necklace-now that he looks back on it. Forged from the scrap metal his father and uncle didn’t need. It was beautiful, because he made it with his own two hands, with her in mind, and a deep affection in his heart.
Magda wore it always, it was her greatest treasure from her sweet Max. It was her comfort in lonely times, it made her remember that he cared for her, and that he was out there somewherestill caring about her. It was the most precious thing in the world to her, this simple but beautiful necklace he’d made for her as a child.
It stayed with her through hiding, through running, through being caught, and through being separated from her mother. She even managed to smuggle it into the hellish camps without incident.
The necklace was there the day she looked up as a familiar voice called out, “Magda,”
And there he was, her Max. The hope in her that she had thought long day called out, “Max,”
She kept the necklace close to her heart, while Max planned their escape.
It was there over her heavy heartbeat as they ran, their hands clasped tightly together. It was there as she recovered from the illness the camps gave her. It was there as they both found there footing in the world again. And it was there on their wedding day.
Years later, the necklace was still there, sitting proudly, as they lay together in bed, with Max’s-he would always be her Max, no matter what-hand resting reverently over her swollen belly. His other hand came to rest on the necklace, and he told her.
He told her about that day when they found each other. How he had given up hope and had decided to end it. He told her about how a glare of light had stopped him, hot it had made him look up. Look up to see her.
It struck her the, as she took his hand and laid kisses across the knuckles, how the necklace he had made her when they were children had saved their lives.