Yes, and believe it or not, I'd be the last person to delay that particular reunion...if there weren't some pretty extenuating circumstances.
What the hell are you doing wandering around here on your own interrogating people? Have you spoken to security or the Captain? No? Thought not. That's my place, as your superior. If they did happen to pull you in as an unidentified intruder I'd be the one getting yelled at.
And I don't think that's how you'd want Linnis to find out you're here.
::sighs, pinching bridge of nose::
Listen, I'll explain it to you as soon as we get you introduced. I think Archer is around here somewhere...
::sits down again, finally, after settling Renara in her own seat, feeling able to enjoy the spread of food has been trying to get to since dancing with her ketchup on her plate this time::
So... ::decides to make conversation with Renara, heh, as slathers some more horseradish onto another of those wonderful slices of roast beef Chef put out, can't really imagine why no one else has grabbed any, seems to be only one enjoying it::
Anything new with your family? Mom, granddad doing okay?
Comments 32
I think we'd better cut back on the intake this time around, though...might actually need a clear head in the morning.
::breaks off addressing companion, gaze bee-lining to far corner of mess hall::
Oh, fuck.
::arches a brow::
This complicates matters...
::swallows contents of glass, dropping it back on bar and moving grimly into crowd on way across room::
Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me? I told him to stay at the Flyer.
He must be very eager to see Linnis.
::pulls drink from nearby cart and proffers::
Not bad. Could use a couple hundred years to settle...
Yeah, yeah, go on and get the jokes out now. As soon as you're finished, Lieutenant, I have someone to introduce you to.
Look, Tom, I'm just trying to find my wife.
What the hell are you doing wandering around here on your own interrogating people? Have you spoken to security or the Captain? No? Thought not. That's my place, as your superior. If they did happen to pull you in as an unidentified intruder I'd be the one getting yelled at.
And I don't think that's how you'd want Linnis to find out you're here.
::sighs, pinching bridge of nose::
Listen, I'll explain it to you as soon as we get you introduced. I think Archer is around here somewhere...
So... ::decides to make conversation with Renara, heh, as slathers some more horseradish onto another of those wonderful slices of roast beef Chef put out, can't really imagine why no one else has grabbed any, seems to be only one enjoying it::
Anything new with your family? Mom, granddad doing okay?
Mama says she's not so busy lately, so she can spend some more time with me. *eats cracker sandwiches with lunch meat*
::grimaces as hears Renara's voice, pausing before table Archer sits at to find her chatting away::
Great, just great.
::spares a glance in lieutenantkim's direction before looking back to table and clearing throat::
::hears someone sounding like trying to get attention, doesn't quite turn head, glances over instead in mid-bite, stops::
::turns further::
Ah, Mr. Paris...she's fine, she doesn't have to go quite yet -- unless it's past her bedtime, that is.
::notices gentleman beside Paris, doesn't recognize::
Um...okay...good costume, maybe?
No, she's fine for now, I believe someone else will pick her up later. Where the hell did Linnis go off to without her?!
::clears throat again slightly, stifling embarrassment::
I actually needed to introduce you to seems you have a new...purely temporary...guest aboard.
::nods to side::
Lieutenant Harry Kim, from my Voyager.
...Linnis' husband.
::looks long and hard at Paris::
::glances at Kim::
::looks long and hard at Paris...again::
::drops the roast beef just a little too quickly, hunts down a napkin and wipes hand::
::stands quickly, checking Renara, seeing she's occupied with her crackers...that's a relief::
Lieutenant Kim. ::extends now clean hand, repeating:: Linnis'...husband...from Voyager...?
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