(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 10:31

Middle name: mary....uggggh

Birth time: sometime in the morning

Birthplace: bronx

Last place you traveled: florida haha

Eye Color: green

Height: 5'5

Zodiac Sign: scorpio


Your heritage: irish, german, polish and a tad of italian

The shoes you wore today: i just woke up...so last night i wore flip flops though (surprise!)

Your hair: blonde

Your weakness(es): peanut butter! peanut butter cups! anything with peanut butter! and chocolate! and ice cream! and alcohol! woo!

Your fears: planes, rides, bugs, etc.

Your perfect pizza: oh god why did we bring up the pizza....that shrimp one from that california pizza kitchen was da bomb.

One thing you'd like to achieve: i want a house and kids. i'm lame i know.


Your most overused phrase on AOL: "lol" "nice" "omg what an asshole"

Your thoughts first waking up: i'm just gonna roll over this way now

Your current worry: getting thin by sunday so my grandmother won't compare me to my 300 pound aunt....UGH

Your plans tomorrow: work work work. i best be making 400 this weekend.

Your best physical feature: eyes i think.

Your bedtime: around midnight after family guy haha

Your greatest accomplishment: graduating college getting my masters i guess?


Curse: um of course

Do you think you've been in love: yeeea

Want to get married: duh

Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes i do!! the one thing i learned in scanlan.

Like to take baths: i haven't taken a bath in forever.

Get motion sickness: nope

Like talking on the phone: depends who it is lol

Like thunderstorms: one woke me up this morning ugh!

Play an instrument: guitar, bass, piano, and now i'm gonna learn banjo

Workout: god no. i'm trying to get into it again but i suck.

Like reading: lol i like ninas response....yeah i like reading journals and celebrities crap and myspace haha


Body part: eyeballs

Kind of fruit: kiwi i think

Music to fall asleep to: acoustic folk stuff

Time of the day: the night time....is the right tiiiiiiiime lol

Feature in the opposite sex: well lets just say its mike and i love his lips

Car: RANGE ROVER ugh i love them, yukon, tahoe, h3

Number: 21

Thing to do right before bed: brush my choppers, attempt to get the makeup off my face, take my medications

Thing to say when you're mad: MOTHER FUCKER

Era: 90's most def i feel lost in this new space age time haha

Horror movie: 28 days later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Colors: green, orange, pink, yellow, blue, brown, tan


Age you hope to be married: 25

Numbers and Names of Children: 2-4 kids but i'd be thrilled with one....names you can look at the other survey

Describe your Dream Wedding: i can't think of one. all i know is i want a hummer stretch limo with a jacuzzi in the back, i want a wedding dress and then switch to a reception dress lol, i thiiiink i'd make the bridesmaid dresses a pastel orange color (goes good with all my tan friends.....sorry to the pasty ones! hahahha) but maaaybe mint green, aquateen hunger force wedding cake hahahha.....a honeymoon to tahiti, and this wedding will be the biggest thing ever because no one's ever thrown me a fucking party in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you want to die: in my sleep when i'm 100+

Where you want to go to college: oh god no more college please.

What do you want to be when you grow up: guidance counselor/rock star

What country would you most like to visit: ireland, australia, thailand, tahiti, england, etc.


Best eye color: mike's!

Best hair color: once again mike's....even though he's going gray! lol. i stress him out that much.

Short or long hair: short

Best personality trait: sense of humor indeed

Best height: mike's height, he's too tall for me already.

Best weight: more than me please hahaha

Best articles of clothing: SWEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best first date location: back of the car after a city island show how silly hahahaahah

Best first kiss location: wherever you are after being asked 8 billion times 'so when are we gonna do....stufff......" hahaha


I eat: vegetables

I think: i need more sleep


I loathe: assholes

I adore: mike

I suck at: exercising

I am obsessed with: mac, shopping, tv

I can: run 3 miles....if i try....

I can't wait: til florida!! EEEEeEeeeeeeeeeeee! vacation! woo!

I am annoyed with: my jobs

I miss: being a kid


01. What color are your walls? lavender

02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? pink/blue plaid with a navy blue blanket (doesn't match who cares haha)

03. What color is your rug? maroon

04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? nope oh wait flowers...

05. Do you have a TV? Is it big? yeah its pretty big

06. Do you have a phone? yea

07. Do you have your own computer? yep

08. Do you have a desk? yeha

09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? my tv, xbox, my radio haha

10. What are your most favorite things in your room? MY BED!

11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? i tried..


01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? PEE <---me too!

02. Anything unusual? stand in front of the ac when it's hot so my makeup doesn't melt off lol

03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? yeah right

04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? no. even if i try i look stupid.


When you come home are you. . .

01. Miserable? no way i'm happy when i'm home

02. Happy? yeeea

03. Tired? oh god yes

04.LEAVE ME ALONE? no i love company


01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? not anymore

02. What are some hobbies of yours? sleeping, eating, web browsing

03. Do you collect anything? mac makeup lol

04. What do you do in your spare time? read stuff online


01. What do you do before you go to bed? did this already

02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? goodnight that's it

03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? ON MY SIDE OR ON MY STOMACH

04. Do you like your life? yep except for my jobs

-N U M B E R-

of times I have had my heart broken?: 2 times...not over love though

of hearts I have broken? 1 definitely. ugh i was horrible lol

of guys I have kissed?: 3

of girls I have kissed?: 0

of continents I have lived in?: 1

of tight friends?: 3

of cd's that I own?: hundreds i guess. who knows where they are though

of scars on my body?: a whole bunch

of things in my past that I regret?: nothing

I KNOW: what you did last summer

I WANT: more money

I HAVE: to get dressed soon


I HATE: driving

I MISS: aww my poor nina misses me i miss her too lolol....i miss mike. i'm always tired and we don';t get to do anything.

I HEAR: my dogs killing eachother

I WONDER: when i can go in my pool

I LOVE: mike and that new salsa i got

I ACHE: for ice cream hahaha

I CARE: too much, about everyone

I ALWAYS: procrastinate

I AM NOT: a red neck lolol

I DANCE: fantastically hahaha

I SING: in the car, all the time

I CRY: sometimes...especially before that time of the month

I DO NOT ALWAYS: use my head

I FIGHT: not that much

I WRITE: in here

I WIN: that's it. I WIN!

I LOSE: at trying to quit

I CONFUSE: everyone cause i'm such a genius

I LISTEN: to everyone

I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: at wild spirits

I NEED: a vacation lol

I AM HAPPY: today

I SHOULD HAVE: started my masters last term

Last car ride: drove to the bar last night

Last kiss: yesterday morning

Last good cry: when me and my mom got in a fight.

Last library book checked out: god i don't use the library ever

Last movie seen: sin city

Last book read: some shopaholic book probably

Last cuss word uttered: shit

Last beverage drank: diet cream soda

Last food consumed: a mozarella stick.

Last crush: duh

Last phone call: mike

Last TV show watched: conan

Last time showered: last night

Last shoes worn: flip flops

Last cd played: bright eyes

Last item bought: tommy hilfiger bathing suit

Last downloaded: a stupid game for my phone that sucked

Last annoyance: my dog shitting on the floor (usual)

Last disappointment: florida

Last thing written: notes in class

Last key used: backspace

Last words spoken: go outside

Last sleep: i just woke up

Last sexual fantasy: haha sex period?

Last ice cream eaten: the other day during my eat all the shitty food at once binge

Last time amused: EARLIER WEN I WAS TALKIN TO CATHERINE CUZ SHES SOO FUNNYYY <----aww yeah that was amusing lol

Last time wanting to die: when i was a freshman in that horrible high school i just assumed they'd kill me lol

Last time in love: now

Last time hugged: yesterday i loooove hugs

Last time scolded: every day haha

Last time resentful: not sure

Last chair sat in: this

Last lipstick used: some beige mac one

Last underwear worn: VS pink

Last bra worn: strapless

Last shirt worn: cheap wifebeater

Last time dancing: nina's bday 8 billion years ago

Last web page visited: livejournal
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