Hey remember
*this*? I thought it was about time to introduce a Ruki manual for all those Ruki-philes out there ;D Ruki definitely needs a manual to understand how to operate him...
1. Ruki: The Owner’s Guide and Maintenance Manual
You are now the proud owner of RUKI! In order to use and care for your Jrocker unit properly, please read the instructions in this manual carefully, and in no time at all you should have a fully functional Jrocker lovedoll that is sure to bring you hours of fun and entertainment and years of quality performance! No assembly required.
Name: Ruki
Manufacturers: The Gazette Inc.
Date of manufacture: February 1, 2011
Type: Japanese rock visual major
Height: 162cm
Weight: Information undisclosed. Please refer to the FAQ section of this manual or call our hotline regarding this information. The RUKI model has been known to malfunction when this subject matter is brought up.
Length: Information undisclosed. (You will not be disappointed.)
(a) 20 carefully tailored outfits from various brand name clothing lines. This includes 1 pair of pink pants, and 1 pair of gold pants.
(b) 1 pair designer sunglasses (Christian dior, GUCCI, Chanel, and Armani are only a few of the brands you will be able to choose from when ordering your Jrocker unit.)
(c) Gem encrusted microphone and mic stand (Once again, the RUKI model is one of our more excessive units and will require many additional and sometimes very expensive items and upkeep for healthy functioning.)
(d) Peronally designed ring, necklace, and earring set from Gem Cerey.
(e) Hair care kit
(f) Make up kit
(g) 10 bottles of nail polish in various colors
(h) 2 boxes of designer contact lenses in varying colors and patterns
(i) 2 boxes of Marlboro Menthal Light cigarettes
(j) 2 specially designed CANINE units. (The RUKI unit is the only model to come with the CANINE units. Please see seperate manual for use and upkeep of the enclosed CANINE units.)
(k) 1 pair of pleather gloves
(l) 1 fedora cap
(m) 1 pimp cane
(n) 1 bottle of glitter (With the purchase of a glitter version of the RUKI model, you will also be given an unlimited, life-time supply of glitter for maximum sparkle.)
Note: Additional clothing items will need to be bought for the RUKI model in order to promote proper and healhty functioning of your jrocker unit. The RUKI model is known to be extravagant in his fashion taste. Don't say we didn't warn you. Please refer to our seasonal Jrocker unit catalogue G.A.Y: (Generously accessorized youth) for our vast selection of Jrocker unit clothing and accessory lines.
Your RUKI model should come complete and ready to operate inside of his packaging. When you open the The Gazette Inc. personalized glitter encrusted crate, your RUKI should be inactive, fully dressed in ordered version's clothing, and wrapped in a thin film of gold wrapping.
Before unwrapping your RUKI model, please check to see if you were sold the correct model you originally signed for. The Gazette Inc. currently manufactures three RUKI models.
RUKI I/ Indies version/product ID #785650
RUKI II/ Glitter version/product ID #510921 (IMPORTANT: This is a special, limited time only line. If you have ordered this version, please be sure to read over the enclosed additional booklet on the care of this unit. Glitter version requires much more upkeep than the Indies and Modern era versions.)
RUKI III/ Modern era version/product ID #849033
The product ID number is located on the lid of the crate, if you have received the wrong version, or there are missing pieces, or if there is a defect in the RUKI unit, call the toll free help hotline to speak to one of our trained professionals at 1-800-541-8923.
If you have received the correct model, then you are ready to install your RUKI unit. After discarding the plastic wrapping around the RUKI model, carefully turn your RUKI over and locate the two small switches on his lower back. The first switch on the back of the RUKI model will have the encoding: On, Off, Inactivate, Command, and Freewill. The second switch will have the language encoding English, Japanese, Engrish, and Ruki. Sub-modes will be beneath each major mode. Before you turn your RUKI model on, be sure to activate the language setting and the optional control setting. Please be aware that failing to set the controls to your preferred settings before turning this unit on, could result in injury or even death.
English language mode: This mode does not always work on the RUKI model. You could say that it is nearly useless and not worth a try, unless you're looking for some amusement. This mode has the potential to cause damage in your RUKI model.
Japanese language mode: Model will speak the Japanese language fluently. Communication with your model is imperative to operating the unit. Jrocker units function through audio commands and sensory touch. We regret to inform the buyer of this unit that if you are not fluent in the Japanese language, you may have a difficult time, programming and commanding your Jrocker unit. The RUKI model does not respond well to the English and Engrish modes of language due to the manufacturer's promise to stay true to the model that this unit was fashioned after.
Engrish: This mode is called the language learning mode. Most models will speak a mixture of Japanese and broken English so that you are able to slowly teach your Jrocker model to speak correct English. In this way, your unit will be become fluent in both English and Japanese. Please note that this setting will not always work with the RUKI model. The RUKI model is one of the more difficult units to train in the English language and most results in this mode are fruitless.
Ruki: RECOMMENDED. This mode has been found to be the safest and possibly the best option for this particular unit. Your RUKI model will speak a mixture of broken English and Japanese combined to form what we here at The Gazette Inc. call "Ruki language." Most owners of this unit have been known to catch onto "Ruki language" and are able to decipher it enough so that they can program and control their RUKI unit to the best of their ability. In this mode, the RUKI unit has been known to sing more often and burst out into unintelligible screams, groans, growling, evil laughter, and death voices. Please note that this is a normal function of the RUKI unit. Refer to the FAQ section if you have any questions regarding this mode.
Inactivate mode: This mode is for model repair or system recovery. This mode should only be used under these circumstances and with the help of a trained professional. All unit memory could be erased if not set properly.
Command mode: This mode is recommended for first time users upon setting up a Jrocker model. This command gives you full control over your unit. All models know simple commands from the time they are manufactured, all other commands must be learnt through vocal instructions and touch.
Freewill mode: This mode allows the Jrocker unit to function entirely on it’s own, make decisions by itself, and interact with other Jrocker units without any aid. This mode is not recommended for first time buyers and is not suggested upon setting up your model. The RUKI model responds the best to the mode and will often revert to this mode on his own.
After the language and optional control settings are complete, switch your RUKI model on and carefully turn him over. It should take only a few seconds for your RUKI model to open his eyes. After he is turned on, he is under your control unless freewill mode has been activated. If command mode has been selected, you should be able to command him vocally to sit up and stand, the model should obey. Often complimenting and fawning over your RUKI model during setup will eliminate any problems that may arise. If your model should backhand you or begin criticizing your sense of style and will not respond to control settings or commands, please turn the RUKI model off immediately and call our hotline. The RUKI model has been known to malfunction upon setup under certain situations and conditions.
Maintenance and general care of your RUKI model will ensure that he will stay up to date and functional for years to come. The RUKI model requires much attention to detail...and attention in general, so please read over this section of the manual very carefully for the full benefit of owning a special RUKI unit.
Bathing for the RUKI unit is a very vital part of the RUKI unit's basic upkeep. He will need to be bathed at least twice a day, every day. For best results, bathe the RUKI unit with the CANINE units. Your RUKI model requires brand name or salon shampoo for the special fibers of this particular unit's hair. Non-residue soap will be needed to cleanse the RUKI unit's flawless skin and ensure that you come away with a fully cleansed unit. The RUKI model has been known to malfuntion or even become violent when introduced to cheap, store brand shampoo and soaps, so for optimum performance, please do not scrimp on your RUKI unit's bathing supplies. We advise the owner of this unit to be generous with anything he might want or need to avoid arguments or violent episodes or as we have mentioned before, death.
After a few weeks of teaching your RUKI model more complex commands, it will be safe to switch the RUKI model to freewill mode. In most other Jrocker units, switching the model to freewill mode would enable them to dress themselves, but the RUKI model has been known to continue needing or wanting assistance with dressing. He may even demand it. Please note that the RUKI model has been known to never wear the same outfit twice. Your RUKI unit has been enclosed with 20 sets of brand name outfits, but more clothing will inevitably be needed to keep your model running and happy.
Nurturing your RUKI model with sustenance is a vital part of keeping your model healthy. Be cautious in that each individual model has their own unique taste for different foods. It would be wise to keep your RUKI model away from green peppers, beans, strawberries. Melted chocolate, cherries, and whipped cream have been known to have pleasing affects on the RUKI model. But you didn't hear that from us. Child Koiwai Apple and spaghetti are only a few of your RUKI model's favorite food/drink items. If switched to command mode and taught, the RUKI model is capable of creating spaghetti dishes, but please be advised that this is all this unit will ever be able to willingly cook. The RUKI model also comes with a pack of cigarettes that the RUKI model will take pleasure in smoking. It is possible to ween the RUKI model from the cigarettes from an undeterminable amount of time, but there have been numerous reports of the RUKI model taking up cigarettes only weeks after the initial weening. IMPORTANT: Do not have the RUKI model go cold turkey. Malfunction and injury have been known to occur.
Sleep is also a necessity for your RUKI model to recharge and wake up refreshed and sexy again. A jrocker unit's beauty sleep is vital to it's well-being, especially a RUKI model. The RUKI model has been known to be very cranky and withdrawn when running on a low battery, so please be sure to have your RUKI unit get at least 8 hours of sleep to recharge the unit's battery. We here at The Gazette Inc. highly recommend this and will not be held responsible for any assault charges or damage to you or your RUKI model.
The RUKI model comes with a microphone that he should have full use of. The RUKI model will naturally gravitate towards the microphone being a vocalist Jrocker unit and will need an abundant amount of time to practice his vocals, though an excess of screaming and yelling into the microphone has been known to result in total system shutdown. If this happens, please call our hotline before attempting to reboot your RUKI model yourself. Permanent damage is a concern during total system shutdown.
The RUKI line of Jrocker units are volatile and unpredictable. We at The Gazette Inc. cannot assure you that your specific RUKI model will get along with all other Jrocker units even when set to a specific mode of communication. The RUKI models are best compatible with other Gazette models: REITA, AOI, KAI, and URUHA. The RUKI model can be set to a series of different modes in relation to how he should interact with other Jrocker units, but as stated earlier, we can not guarantee whether the RUKI model will be influenced in a positive or negative way by other units depending on the particular unit of interaction and the specific situation. The RUKI model is by far one of the most independently acting units when it comes to interaction with other Jrocker units. There are four modes that your RUKI unit can be set to when attempting communication with another Jrocker unit. Commands should be spoken clearly in the language mode best fit for you and your RUKI unit.
Friend mode: By setting this mode on the RUKI model, he should befriend whichever Jrocker unit you have commanded him to respond to. In this mode, the RUKI model should be charming, suave, and friendlier than usual.
Yaoi mode: This mode should always be used carefully and with extreeme caution on any Jrocker unit, but especially with the RUKI unit. IMPORTANT: For the Glitter version, please see seperate booklet for further instruction. The Glitter version is highly shameless and dangerous in this mode and should be watched very carefully. Other versions of the RUKI model are highly agressive and sexual in this mode. Please do not switch the RUKI model to this mode unless you are prepared to deal with your RUKI model fondling, licking, thrusting against, biting, and even eventual rape of you or other surrounding Jrocker units, or even inanimate objects. This setting should be used with the utmost caution, especially around other Jrocker units that are not set to this particular mode. Other models could counteract or become hostile to the RUKI unit, especially if the uke or seme sub-modes are not compatible with both interacting units. Please note that the RUKI model is a very controlling unit and may become even more controlling and dominate in this mode.
Pimp mode: This mode is unique to the RUKI model. It was specially designed to suit the RUKI unit's sepcific tastes. In this mode, the RUKI model tends to carry the pimp cane around and generally take on the role of a 'pimp'. We are not responsible for any damage the RUKI unit may inflict on other units in this mode. All monetary issues stemming from using this mode is also the problem and concern of the owner of this unit. Please do not contact us over this issue.
Enemy mode: This mode is not the safest setting to choose and professionals would warn against it. Your RUKI unit has the potential to be a danger to other surrounding Jrock units in the immediate vicinity, especially other units that are also set to enemy mode. Please use this mode with the utmost caution and with the full knowledge that you are using this mode at your own risk.
Thanks to the popularity of the RUKI model, it is essential that you take the following steps to ensure the safe-keeping and security of your RUKI unit.
* Have your RUKI model secured with a micro chip. The Gazette Inc. offer services to secure any jrocker unit for a small fee. You may also send your model into any other manufacturer that deals in Jrocker units in the PSC branch such as; Alice Nine Inc, SuG Inc, Kra Inc, SCREW Inc, and ViViD Inc. Let it be known that other manufacturers will require a larger additional fee for Jrocker units that are not manufactured by their company. Manufacturers outside of the PSC branch such as Dir en grey Inc,Miyavi Inc, An Cafe, Death Gaze Inc, D ect. are not required to offer their services regarding your Jrocker unit and have the right to refuse you. For an additional list of active manufacturing companies, please refer to the back of this manual.
* Never leave your RUKI model unattended in public. Damage or thieft, can and most likely will occur.
* Do not allow others to babysit, watch, or take home your RUKI model. You are responsible for any damage to the RUKI model should you lend him to someone. We do not replace lost or stolen units.
Problem: RUKI model will not stop criticizing your fashion style and keeps calling you a "stupid bitch."
Solution: First, please turn your RUKI unit over and check the nape of his neck for our company's logo. Beneath the logo you should be able to locate which version you have purchased. This behavior is common place in our RUKI glitter version. If you have been issued the wrong version, please contact our help hotline and we will either refund your purchase or send you the correct version. If you have the correct version and this problem persists, check the mode you have your unit set to. On yaoi mode, the RUKI model has been known to be more fashion conscious than usual. You may try switching your RUKI model to command mode and attempting to correct his behavior. We cannot guarantee that this will work.
Problem: RUKI model keeps hitting everyone (including you) with his pimp cane and other Jrocker units have begun to show up at your house with handfuls of cash for your RUKI model. Your RUKI model has also taken to "bitch-slapping" those Jrocker units.
Solution: Please be careful as to what mode you switch your RUKI model to. If your model is presenting this sort of behavior, he has most likely been left on pimp mode. This mode is not to be used for any long length of time. Problems, as the ones stated above will inevitably occur in this mode.
Problem: Your RUKI model will not stop shopping and has maxed out your credit card on GUCCI and Prada items.
Solution: Once again, please check to see if you have been issued the glitter version of the RUKI model. The RUKI model is a naturally excessive and fashion foward unit. Ridiculously expensive behavior will be seen quite often in this unit. There is no real solution to this problem, but you may try teaching less expensive habits to your RUKI model in command mode. If this does not solve your problem, you have a few options to consider. You can send your RUKI model back to The Gazette Inc. for repairs or reprogramming. For a fee, we will remove the 'excessive' chip from your RUKI model. Please note that the chip cannot be reinserted once taken out, and your RUKI model will have unpredictable behavioral changes due to this procedure. If this option does not suit you, maybe the RUKI model is not the correct model for you. Please check out our other Gazette Inc units or even our PSC line at TheGazetteinclovedolls.com
Problem: RUKI model has begun to steal your skirts and dresses and parade around in them. He has also started to wear copious amounts of makeup and hang out with surrounding KAYA and HIZAKI models.
Solution: Check to see what mode your RUKI model is set to. In yaoi mode, there is a sub-mode called "crossdressing" which will allow your RUKI model to delve into the world of wearing women's clothing. If this isn't your cup of tea but you want to keep your RUKI model on yaoi mode, please switch the sub-mode to general.
Problem: RUKI unit will not stop screaming and yelling in garbled Engrish and does not react to your commands.
Solution: Your RUKI model may just be having one of his natural temper tantrums. Wait an hour or two and if your RUKI model persists in screaming, try one of these options:
If your RUKI model is on Ruki mode beneath lanuages, try switching to Japanese mode and then rebooting the entire system. Once the Ruki model is rebooted, switch back to Ruki mode beneath languages and command mode beneath communication to reteach your RUKI model simple commands. If your RUKI unit is still screaming and unresponsive to your commands, please call our help hotline to speak with our trained professionals. You may have to send your RUKI model in for repairs. There are always a number of mishaps and complications that can arise in our models, but we strive to please our customers and offer free repair services for internal damages not inflicted by the owner.
Problem: RUKI unit has begun to grope, hump, and lick everyone and everything around him while singing MY DEVIL ON THE BED.
Solution: If this is honestly a problem for you, catch your RUKI model unawares and power him down. Next, check your mode settings. If your RUKI model is on freewill mode, switch to command mode and then power him back up. In command mode you will able to attempt to teach your RUKI model to refrain from groping, humping, and licking...if you so desire. If this does not work, your RUKI model may just be in need of some attention. In layman's terms; He needs a good fuck. Excuse our language. RUKI models are attention loving units and require ample amounts of love and attention. If the RUKI model does not get this, you run the risk of having him malfunction and eventually total system shutdown may occur. If you are unable to give your RUKI the amount of attention he needs (and it is a lot) you may want to consider purchasing a companion unit to take care of his wants and needs. REITA models have been known to be most compatable with the RUKI model, though any of the Gazette line are suitable to please your RUKI unit.
Q: Can I purchase a second RUKI model?
A: Due to the nature of this RUKI model, we have limited this unit to one RUKI model per household. RUKI models have often been known to become jealous or violent towards other RUKI units and are therefore considered a danger to one another. Hair pulling, scratching, and biting may occur in these situations.
Q: Can I tear 'dat ass up'?
A: You can surely tear 'dat ass up'. But you will be paying copious amounts to fix 'dat ass up' when you're done. If you have damaged your RUKI model, sexually or otherwise, we offer repair services to a certain extent. Please call our help hotline or visit our website for more information. Please refrain from permenantly damaging your unit. We never like to send units out for disassembly due to missing limbs or vital parts, severe burns, fatal tears. Meaning that orange road cone probably isn't a good idea.
Q: Is the RUKI model as great with his mouth as the advertisements suggest?
A: We do not false advertise. The RUKI model was created for optimum performance and pleasure. His lips are made out of the finest synthetic material science has to offer to create that real effect that soft, luscious lips have on a person. If we may say so, customers have rated the RUKI model as one of the best orally skilled units of the Gazette line in more ways than what requires a mircophone.
Q: Is it safe to leave two Jrocker units together alone in a room?
A: We do not recommend leaving any Jrocker units unattended. In these situations we recommend the security chip to avoid any mishaps if you insist on leaving two or more units alone together. But why would you want to leave them alone in a room anyway? Our catalogue also offers discounted camcorders and other recording devices.
Q: Can I let my Gazette units have an orgy with my Alice Nine units?
A: Yes. All PSC units are compatable with one another when all units are set to the correct modes. For a successful orgy, please switch all participating units to yaoi mode and all sub-modes to general. Introducing PSC models to units outside of this line should be exercised with caution. Opposing units are unpredictable around one another and therefore should be supervised closely when meeting. Observe each unit's mode settings carefully in these situations. If each unit acts favorably to one another, then it is safe to proceed slowly with any orgy plans you may have. Our help hotline is a 24/7 service. 911 is also a good number to have on hand.
Q: I really like my RUKI unit's sense of style. Can I borrow his clothes?
A: If you have gotten down to this point after reading this entire manual, and still need to ask this, and think that this is a good idea, we advise you to reread the manual more carefully. The RUKI model has been known to react violently when his clothes and accessories are tampered with. Even if you have a very healthy, loving relationship with your RUKI model, know that his clothes will always override his love for you due to his specific programming.
Q: Can I let my RUKI model pimp out my other models or even my neighbor's models?
A: Though the RUKI model is designed with a unique pimp mode, we would not advise you using this mode very often or for any long length of time. We cannot predict how other units or other unit's owners will react to the RUKI model's pimping antics. Please proceed with caution when attempting to use your RUKI model as a pimp and always get permission to pimp out other owner's units for best results. If all is well and you have the green light to let your RUKI unit pimp out other units with his unique skills, it is definitely a good way to get fast and easy money.
Q: I want to see my RUKI model battle it out with my friend's BYOU model. Can I do this?
A: Once again, we do not condone violence. But if you're a sadistic, blood-thirsty, horny bastard like most customers of the Jrocker unit lovedoll lines are, we suggest first discussing these battle plans with your friend. If everyone has consented to a battle, your next most sensible step would be to choose a deserted area, free of pedestrians, or authorities to allow your units to battle it out. WARNING: You are always taking a risk when you put your unit in danger of damage or confinement. Units and their owners are subject to jail time or fines if caught in a public brawl. When putting a RUKI model and a BYOU model together, there are almost always fatal damages inflicted that The Gazette Inc are unable to repair. Loss of hair and clothes are a definite result of these specific brawls. In the case that we can not repair your RUKI model, he will be sent for disassembly and no refund will be given.
Q: Why does my RUKI model pay more attention to his CANINE units and treat them better than he does me?
A: The RUKI model worships his CANINE unit companions and there isn't much you can do about that without sending him in for reprogramming and as we have stated before, any reprogramming will result in an unpredictable change in behavior. It is not uncommon that the RUKI unit will pamper his CANINE units excessively and even bathe with them. You must allow your RUKI model to carry out this behavior naturally or risk temper malfunctions or system shutdown. From previous owner's experience, any interference with the RUKI model's natural behavior concerning his CANINE units or anything else for that matter will result in you getting back-handed and called a "stupid bitch."
Q: Can I make my RUKI unit clean my house for me?
A: The RUKI unit is not one of the more agreeable units when it comes to household chores. This particular unit was made for sex and domination, not cleaning. You could try switching him to command mode to teach him how to clean, but we doubt that this will do any good. As we stated above, when going against the RUKI unit's natural behavior, the result is never very pretty. If you are looking for a good housemaid unit, you may want to take a look at our KAI model. He is the first in a line of household management units that was released recently.
On a final note, the RUKI model is meant solely for your enjoyment and pleasure.The Gazette Inc. can guarantee the best quality for Jrocker units that are sure to keep you smiling and your hands happy, in more ways than one. As long as you read this manual carefully and follow the instructions word for word, you are sure to have years of quality service from The Gazette Inc. As we have stated before, our help hotline is always available to clean up those little mishaps and spills that may occur when operating your special RUKI model. Enjoy your RUKI lovedoll.
A/N: Hurhur. So. I'm thinking about busting out the other member's manuals upon some requests if I get the time to do them o___o Ruki was just spur of the moment, but I think the others need their manuals as well, those complicated bitches >___> What say you.