awesome or straight jacket?
There is this theory that spark my interes. To me it makes sense... We at least part physical beings and when we have physical ailments. For instance take hunger or an open wound, which we would treat with a physical remedy, such as food or a bandage. Mental ailments on the otherhand would not react as well being treated by physical means. Drugs which effect only the physical part of the discomfort seems to leave many gaps and holes. I can elaborate mor on why i feel this, but if you know anything about depression, ADD, ADHD, Schitzophrenia(sp?) or any other mental illness people may suffer from, you may not need me to. i won't adress that topic any further unless you personally care for me to. Now, with that topic which i breifly adressed out of the way, you could see why the idea of homeopathic remedies and things of the like intrigue me to no extent. I beleive that if one is able to then be come less dense and less wrapped up in our physical realm well one could only become less reliant on material items for survival. However much that is true, if a species was able to conciously evolve away from the need to be reliant on physical things, oh the possibilites. (note: this might mean studies into evolution would have to further) well I'm going to skip the "how the fuck can we conciously evolve", that will be our variable, unknown, the x we need to solve for,the path or mysteries we have to reaveal for simplicities sake and for my inarticulate ways. The outcome of people only having illnesses that can be treated in such a way ( if you do not understand how such illnesses can be cured without drugs, and/or are not familiar with homeopathic remedies that treat in a non physical way this may be tough to understand) would enevitably be an imortal species. That would bring a whole new meaning of life for man kind... however, its not a probable possibilty. You try to get a whole species to consciencely evolve... you CAN'T force them too, and many of the worlds population either doesn't know or doesn't beleive that evolution exists. but its fun to think about.
I've been up since saved by the bell was on this morning, give me a break & i could never ever type or spell well.